Basic Principles of Infrastructure & Management Strategy comes first. People come second. Infrastructure comes third.
Vbase Legal Model Christchurch City Council Vbase Limited Christchurch City Holdings Limited 100% Plan Monitor Appoint Accountable
Vbase Governance Board of 8 Independent Directors Not representative Specific skill attributes Skill mix Three year rotation Performance assessment High quality professional directors Appointed by CCHL
Vbase Ownership & Management Owns CBS Indoor Area (8,000 seats) AMI Stadium (43,000 seats) Convention Centre Town hall And manages all of the above facilities.
Vbase Proposition a) A great stage and a great host. b) Last year: Hosted 1,851 events including 231 cultural, charitable and sporting events. 988,000 ticketed guests. $97m of direct spend into local economy from visitors. c) Goal: An outstanding experience for every client and every guest at every event.
Strategic Goals Great stage Great Host Growth Valuable Partnerships Brand Equity Health and Safety
Public & Private Funding Partnership Major Funding Sources Owners – Christchurch City Council Sporting Groups (risk share) Grants/Sponsorship Commercial Hires Central Government Outsourced Event/Facility Management And used some of this to provide over $750,000 p.a. Support for Community Groups.
What Makes It Work 1. Integral part of Christchurch Community. 2. Professionally managed at all levels. 3. Working with and supporting user groups. 4. Business not representation. 5. Long term focus on outstanding experience. 6. Doing business the Vbase way.
The Vbase Way Anticipate the unexpected. Do whatever it takes. Care about reputations. Build a great tomorrow. Together we will make it happen.