Kannan Sivaprakasam St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN Instructional Technological Tools to Create Online Courses A MEMBER OF THE MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SYSTEM
Content Lecture capture Hands on Camtasia Studio Hands on Adobe Connect
3 What we will cover today? The participant will learn How Camtasia and PowerPoint are used together Edit Add callout, images, merge videos, zoom How to Minimize noise Importing from iphone, ipad, ipod etc
Programs Jing by TechSmith Image captures Short (<5min) Video captures Easy to share via /IM Camtasia Studio by TechSmith Lectures Screen Demos/Presentations Adobe Captivate (key server version available to SCSU community) Lectures Screen Demos/presentation
Challenges You have to learn something new It takes time to record, produce and upload Planning and time factor Lectures should generally be min Attention spans are short and bandwidth is precious
Programs - comparison Product/ Desc $$FormatsExport /Produce Notes Features JingFree flash onlypng/swf only<5min Great for “disposable” Easy upload Automatic url in clipboard Camtasia$179 (ed) flash mov wmv avi m4v mp3 All associated files produced.html,.js Fluid VideoPan/Zoom Captions Quizzing Cursor Highlight Mouse Sounds Captivate$299 (ed) flash exe “”Slide based Better for Simulations 508 & SCORM compliant Limited
3 Ways to Record PowerPoint From within PowerPoint From within Camtasia Studio
Student Comments The recorded lectures were extremely helpful in improving my understanding of the material. (CHEM 141) Liked the video lectures. (CHEM 141) Recorded videos helped with the lab reports (CHEM 210 Lab) Videos helped with what was expected (CHEM 210 Lab)
Links to a few video clippings that I have created Genomics - short clip Law and Hypothesis – short clip Law and Hypothesis