Learning Theorists research You have the remainder of the block to research the following learning and conditioning theorists. -Albert Bandura -BF Skinner -Ivan Pavlov -John Watson -Edward Thorndike -John Garcia After you have finished researching, you need to choose one of the theorists that you feel is the most important and create a biography poster. -Background -Contributions -Why they are the most important -Real-life implications -Images Beliefs, Research/Experiments, Contributions
Classical/Operant Recap. V-voluntary O-operant I-involuntary C-classical E-extra (no purpose. The E only completes the word)
Principles of Classical Conditioning US- A stimulus that inherently causes a response UR- A response caused inherently by the US NS- A stimulus that should not cause a response CS- A stimulus that is learned to be associated with a response CR- A response that is caused by a learned stimulus
Adv. Principles of Operant Conditioning Positive vs. Negative Reinforcement Works by presenting a motivating/reinforcing stimulus to the person after the desired behavior is exhibited Negative reinforcement occurs when a certain stimulus (usually a stimulus you want to avoid) is removed after a particular behavior is exhibited A mother gives her son praise (positive stimulus) for doing homework (behavior). Natalie can get up from the dinner table (negative stimulus) when she eats 2 bites of her broccoli (behavior).
Adv. Principles of Operant Conditioning Positive vs. Negative Punishment Positive punishment works by presenting a negative consequence after an undesired behavior is shown, making the behavior less likely to happen in the future Negative punishment happens when a certain desired stimulus is removed after a particular undesired behavior is shown, resulting in the behavior happening less often in the future A child grabs a toy from another child (behavior) and is sent to time out (negative stimulus) Siblings get in a fight (behavior) over who gets to play with a new toy, the parent takes the toy away (desired stimulus).
Cognitive Learning and Modeling Is all learning simply a connection between stimuli and responses like we have been saying? StimuliResponse Not quite……
Cognitive Learning and Modeling As human beings, we are also impacted by new information, our expectations, our perceptions, and imaginations Cognitive Learning We see that we have the ability to know, understand, anticipate, and make use of information Uses higher mental processes
Cognitive Learning and Modeling How do we get from our school to Rupp Arena? Cognitive Map Internal representation of an area We probably have an overall picture of how the town is laid out
Cognitive Learning and Modeling Latent Learning Learning that stays hidden until there is some sort of reinforcement What role does discovery play?
Learning Theorists research You have the remainder of the block to research the following learning and conditioning theorists. -Albert Bandura -BF Skinner -Ivan Pavlov -John Watson -Edward Thorndike -John Garcia After you have finished researching, you need to choose one of the theorists that you feel is the most important and create a biography poster. -Background -Contributions -Why they are the most important -Real-life implications -Images Beliefs, Research/Experiments, Contributions
Observational Learning and Modeling Observational Learning When learning is achieved by watching and imitating the actions of another person, also noting their consequences. Social awareness
Observational Learning and Modeling When observing a model/example a person may Learn new responses Learn to carry out or avoid previously learned responses Learn a general rule that can be applied to various other situations
Observational Learning and Modeling You have to pay attention and remember what occurred and have the ability to reproduce what was learned. Learn new responses Learn to carry out or avoid previously learned responses Learn a general rule that can be applied to various other situations
Observational Learning and Modeling “Do what I do, not what I say” Modeling has a powerful effect on behavior
Journal #4 December 9 and 10, 2013 What types of behaviors do you learn through observation? Who do you learn these behaviors from? Does this form of learning produce lasting behaviors? Why/why not? -Reading development declined -test scores on creativity declined -sex roles became more stereotyped -increase in aggression
1)Learning 2) Response - 3) Precedents - 4) Consequences - 5) Classical Conditioning - 6) Operant Conditioning - 7) Unconditioned Stimulus - 8) Neutral Stimulus- 9) Unconditioned Response - 10) Conditioned response -
1)Learning - is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience. 2) Response - A response is simply any identifiable behavior, they can be observable, or internal. (overt or covert) 3) Precedents - Events that occur before a response 4) Consequences - Events that follow a response 5) Classical Conditioning - based on what happens before a response, or the precedents, In classical conditioning, antecedent events become associated with one another. 6) Operant Conditioning - occurs when learning is based on the consequences of responding. 7) Unconditioned Stimulus - A stimulus innately capable of eliciting a response 8) Neutral Stimulus- A stimulus that without conditioning, has no impact or response 9) Unconditioned Response - This is a nonlearned response, reflexes, innate response. 10) Conditioned response - These are learned responses brought on by the conditioned stimuli