What does this advert suggest about children’s behaviour?
Today’s session You will learn how to...You will learn about... Describe and apply psychological approaches & theories Consider the relationship between an approach and its methods Compare and distinguish between approaches Social learning theory Research by Bandura (1965)
Behaviourism SR Behaviourists aren’t interested in what happens in between S and R. They don’t think you need to know.
Social learning theory SRO Social Learning Theorists say that things take place within the organism that mediate between S and R. You do need to know about the person’s mental processes.
Social learning theory Agrees with behaviourist learning theories – Classical conditioning – Operant conditioning Adds two important ideas: – Mediating processes between stimuli & responses – Observational learning
Bandura (1965)
Social learning theory Attention Encoding ImitationMotivation A person pays attention to someone else’s behaviour They memorise the behaviour they have observed They practice the behaviour themselves Given a reason, they may use it
Social learning theory Observation Model & modelling Imitation Reinforcement & punishment Vicarious reinforcement & punishment
Bandura (1965) Aims and conclusions External validity Internal validity Ethical issues