A World Café in Campus Pack: Using Wikis and Blogs Adrian Cain and David Callaghan
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Introduction Campus Pack overview Discussion – Awareness and use Practical Example Set-up a World Café classroom using the wiki tool Mimic student use Review comparisons and assessment uses Discussion of possible uses in your practice Other tools Review Blogs (Journals) Presentation agenda
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Introduction Campus Pack overview Discussion - Awareness and use
What is Campus Pack An add-on that provides social media tools (such as wikis, blogs, and podcasts) through Learning Edge for Personal Learning Spaces & Group learning Spaces Social Assignments Social Assignments Empower instructors, academic technologists, and instructional designers to build and implement assignments and activities from a palette of re-usable social media tools including wikis, blogs, journals, podcasts, and templates. Social Network and Academic Commons Social Network and Academic Commons Implement a secure social network and community for instructors, students, departments, and administrators. ePortfolios ePortfolios Provide every individual a space and network to create, categorise, assess, and present academic and co-curricular activities with instructors, peers, advisors, or anyone in the world. Personal Development Plans Personal Development Plans Personal Development Plans (PDP) facilitate the structure necessary for students to reflect upon individual learning, performance, and achievement, and map personal, educational, and career development. Institutions can easily design template profiles to meet the needs of different users and skill set groups. LTD at Edge Hill University ( An Introduction to Campus Pack at Edge Hill University (for staff) (
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Group Discussion Do you know what Campus pack is? Have you heard of it before? Have you ever used it? Have you used any other ePortfolio tool before?
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Practical Example Set-up a World Café classroom using the wiki tool Mimic student use Review comparisons and assessment uses
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Example: –Problem based learning –Formative (Mandatory) –Classroom –Semi- structured (3 stages) –5 Topics/5 weeks (5 Wikis) –Tutor lead in class –Student lead (tutor moderated) out of class –Future group work (Formative/Mandatory) –Future – Reflective diary/CV (Formative/Discretionary) Example of World café 2011_FDH1166: THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE CURE 2011 Module Content/Blood Science Pt 1
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Set up: Go in Course/Content Area Tools>Campus Pack Wiki Create Wiki Add New Page>Input student questions Repeat for as many as needed Restrict permissions if required (visible to all enrolled students by default) Supporting Guides – Search on Campus Pack – / / Set-up a World café (Wiki tool)
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Now it’s over to you ……………act like students!!!
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Lets look at how you did Compare how one student did against another Compare how the work developed against time Compare how students did against each other against time Discuss how you could use this –Could you use it for student assessment? –Could you use it for student feedback? –Could you use it as a student knowledge base?
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Other tools Review blogs
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Set up: Go in Course/Content Area Tools>Campus Pack Blog Create Blog Repeat for as many as needed Restrict permissions if required (visible to all enrolled students by default) Supporting Guides – Set-up a Blog (Journals)
edgehill.ac.uk/ls Any Questions