Window into the unconscious
Represent our unconscious in its purest, rawest form (least affected by our conscious) Useful as therapeutic tools Some psychologists such as Carl Jung, theorize that dreams are a biologically wired way to gain awareness.
Dreams are personal; meaning can change from person to person
“ one would do well to treat every dream as though it was a completely unknown project, look at it from all sides, take it in one’s hand, carry it around, and let one’s imagination play around with it ”. QUESTIONS FOR YOU ALL What does Jung mean by “ treat it as an unknown and look at it from all sides ”? What does he mean by the 2 nd part “ carry it around”, etc.
Manifestations of unprocessed mental/emotional issues Day Further in past Natural way to bring resolution and closure to unfinished problems.
The part of our brain responsible for “Episodic” (compartmentalized, linear) memory is disconnected during sleep, so we can’t recall details or context for a specific event so much as how we felt (emotional context). Also disconnected from space and time, potentially integrating elements of our past, present and anticipation of our future.
The emotional memory will surface in some form Total or partial symbol, metaphor or allegory as they are more primitive versions of language This suggests a shutdown of our frontal lobe as well, where we have our language center. Dreams may be sensed primarily as auditory, kinesthetic or even olfactory (not visual at all).
HOW dreams display depends on our personal triggers for threat Link to our personal underlying fears, desires, and misconceptions that are part of our internal model of reality/beliefs.
Events we experience daily that don’t fit our model can become threats or at least take extra (dream) time to process, and make it “fit” with our perception of reality/belief system. Important for making spiritual meaning of experiences and for healing (even nightmares). They manifest our NEED for meaning, sense and continuity. New experiences New people Stressful relationships Stressful experiences New/challenging situations Trauma Other?
Universal vs. Individual symbolism must be carefully analyzed by therapist without viewing it through his/her own personal lens of meaning.
Should not be avoided, ignored, suppressed or viewed as unhealthy. May be some of the most important dream analysis we can do.