Project Profile: Four-Star NGBS Certified Development Developed by Craftsmen Developers Infill site selected acre site 42 waterfront townhome lots and 6 non- waterfront townhome lots. Whartons Bluff Millsboro, DE
Soil Disturbance and Erosion: Common trenches are used for electric, phone and cable, and all electric lines are installed using directional boring. Sediment traps, silt fence and infiltration basins were installed. Slope Disturbance: All steep slopes have been completely avoided. All roads are aligned with natural topography (+/- 2ft.) to reduce cut and fill. Whartons Bluff Millsboro, DE
Landscape Plan: 50'+ Buffer around entire site acts as wind break. Landscape plan shows all trees remaining. Wildlife: Study conducted by Biological Research Associates for US Fish and Wildlife to determine if preserved area on point will sustain an Eagle Habitat. Several large nesting trees were left in hopes of attracting birds. Environmentally Sensitive Areas: Wetlands on three sides of the site, with an extra area set aside in the upland as a wildlife conservation area. Whartons Bluff Millsboro, DE
Storm Water Management: Both Indian River and surrounding wetlands were preserved by limiting excessive runoff to these areas. Plan includes bio-swales and roof water recovery system in rear yards of all buildings. Mass Transit: Walkways, bikeways, street crossings, and entrances designed to promote pedestrian activity are provided. New buildings are connected to existing sidewalks and areas of development. Whartons Bluff Millsboro, DE