1 Presented to the City Council By the Planning and Development Department and the North Central Texas Council of Governments July 20, 2010 Federal Funding.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to the City Council By the Planning and Development Department and the North Central Texas Council of Governments July 20, 2010 Federal Funding for Tower 55 and Modern Streetcar Projects

2 Tower 55 – TIGER II At-Grade Improvements Project cost: $93.7 million TIGER II application: $58.4 million (TxDOT) Local match needed: $35.3 million Local match sources:  BNSF/UP: $32.8 million  NCTCOG: $ 2.5 million  City of Fort Worth: $ 2.5 million (pending federal funding request)

3 Tower 55 – TIGER II (cont.) At-Grade Improvements TIGER II grant timeline:  Pre-application: July 26  Final application: August 23  Announcement: After September 15 Meeting with U.S. DOT: July 1  Deputy Assistant Secretary Joanna Turner  Only $400 million available for competitive grants  Application should describe project phases to allow partial funding. However, BNSF has indicated that project cannot be divided into phases.

Modern Streetcar Study Committee Mayor Appointees Andy Taft, President, Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. (Chair) Louise Appleman, Tarrant County College Board of Trustees Johnny Campbell, Sundance Square Management Ed Casebier, Greater Fort Worth Real Estate Council Marvinell Johnson, Rolling Hills Fran McCarthy, Central City Redevelopment Committee Phillip Poole, Central City Redevelopment Committee

5 Council Member Appointees Dr. Carlos Vasquez, Fort Worth ISD Board Member (District 2) Don Scott (District 3) Bob Riley (District 4) Dennis Dunkins (District 5) Bob Parmelee, Chair, The T Board of Directors (District 6) Bill Cranz, Plains Capital Bank (District 7) Janet Saltsgiver (District 8) Jeff Davis (District 9) Ex-Officio Members Michael Morris, NCTCOG Transportation Director Judge Glen Whitley, Tarrant County Judge David Dubois, Fort Worth Convention and Visitor’s Bureau 2008 Modern Streetcar Study Committee (cont.)

6 Modern Streetcar Planning and Design Background Activity Date Regional Transportation Council allocates $1.6 million for streetcar planning and design project July 2009 City Council: accepts $1.6 million from RTC for planning and design project authorizes local match of $200K authorizes agreement with TxDOT September 2009 NCTCOG submits joint TIGER grant application for modern streetcars in Dallas and Fort Worth September 2009 City Council appoints Modern Streetcar Task Force by resolution November 2009

7 Modern Streetcar Task Force Appointed November 3, 2009 Nina Petty, Greater Fort Worth Real Estate Council (Chair) Adam Adolfo, Artes de la Rosa Roy Brooks, Tarrant County Commissioner Bob Parmelee, Chair, The T Board of Directors Johnny Campbell, Sundance Square Management David Dubois, Fort Worth Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Dr. Rod Erakovich, Texas Wesleyan University J.D. Granger, Trinity River Vision Authority Fran McCarthy, Central City Redevelopment Committee Andre McEwing, Southeast Fort Worth, Inc. Pam Minick, Historic Stockyards

8 Paul Paine, President, Fort Worth South, Inc. Phillip Poole, Associated Businesses of the Cultural District Scott Rule, Vice President, Tarrant County Health District Janet Saltsgiver, Neighborhood Representative Andy Taft, President, Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. Jamie Terrell, Local Transit User Joy Webster, Vice President, XTO Technical Richard Casarez, Operations Director, Oncor Michael Morris, NCTCOG Transportation Director Modern Streetcar Task Force (cont.)

9 Modern Streetcar Planning and Design Background (cont.) Activity Date City Council authorizes FTA Urban Circulator grant application (M&C G-16819) January 2010 U.S. DOT awards TIGER grant to Dallas ($23 million) and not Fort Worth February 2010 City Council authorizes contract with HDR consultant team for Phases 1 & 2 (M&C C-24103: $821,409) April 2010

10 Funds available: $130 million Maximum grant: $25 million Local match: 20 percent minimum Eligibility: Fixed guideway capital projects and select corridor- based bus projects Source: Unallocated discretionary New Starts/ Small Starts Program funds Federal Transit Administration Urban Circulator Program

11 Federal Transit Administration Urban Circulator Program (cont.) 1.Provide more transportation choices 2.Promote equitable, affordable housing 3.Enhance economic competitiveness 4.Support existing communities 5.Coordinate policies and leverage investment 6.Value communities and neighborhoods Purpose: “invest in a limited number of projects that fulfill the six livability principles that serve as the foundation for the DOT-HUD-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities”

12 Fort Worth Grant Application: Downtown Streetcar Circulator Council authorization: January 26, 2010 (M&C: G-16819) Application submitted: February 10, 2010 Applicant: The T and the City Grant awarded: July 8, 2010 Grant amount: $24.99 million (maximum)

13 Fort Worth Grant Application: Downtown Streetcar Circulator (cont.) Cost: Estimated $53 million ($20 million/track mile) Local match needed: $26.8 million Local match sources: Downtown TIF, Lancaster TIF, other potential sources to be identified in financial plan Local match commitment timeline:  Original: Seek in August 2010 after financial plan completed  May FTA update: Seek in November 2010 after financial plan completed

14 Fort Worth Grant Application: Downtown Streetcar Circulator (cont.)

15 FTA Urban Circulator Grant Questions and Answers Is the route fixed as a Downtown loop? A Downtown loop is part of all of the starter alignment options proposed by HDR. The grant application did not specify streets, and indicated the desire to connect to urban villages outside of Downtown. HDR intends to brief the City Council in September on a proposed starter alignment.

16 HDR Alignment Options

17 Can Fort Worth provide more or less than $26.8 million as the local match? FTA Regional staff does not yet have information on this. The recommended starter project will likely extend beyond Downtown ($ million total), so the local match would exceed $26.8 million. FTA Urban Circulator Grant Questions and Answers (cont.)

18 When is the grant application/agreement due to FTA? FTA Regional staff does not yet have information on this, but a November timeframe may be acceptable. FTA Urban Circulator Grant Questions and Answers (cont.)

19 September 14 Phasing Recommendation Sept. – October Community Meetings November 16 Business Plan Modern Streetcar Planning and Design Next Steps –All alignments under consideration include downtown loop –Incorporates FTA Urban Circulator funding –Includes identification of local funds –City Council provides direction on how to proceed

20 Michael Morris, Director of Transportation North Central Texas Council of Governments

21 Questions? Comments?


23 Modern Streetcar Planning and Design Project: Scope of Work Phase I 1.Evaluation of potential alignments and development of design and operation assumptions 2.Economic development impact analysis 3.Ridership and operating cost estimates Phase II 4.Business plan a.Organizational plan b.Financial plan Completion September 2010 November 2010

24 April Project kickoff meetings April-May Meetings with City Council and key stakeholders June 1Tech Memos: Design Assumptions and Vehicle Requirements June 15Tech Memo: Alignment Refinement June 21Task Force meeting Modern Streetcar Planning and Design Project: Progress Report

25 July 27 Tech Memo: Economic Impact Analysis July 29 Task Force Meeting July 30 Tech Memo: Capital and Operating and Maintenance Costs August 21Community Public Meeting August 27Tech Memo: Ridership Analysis August 27Task Force Meeting Modern Streetcar Planning and Design Project: Next Steps

26 East Rosedale Line Alignment Options

27 Trinity Bluff Line Alignment Options

28 Near Southside Line Alignment Options

29 North Main Line Alignment Options

30 West 7 th Line Alignment Options

31 Public Involvement Meetings Developer Roundtable – June 21, 2010 Task Force meeting – June 21, 2010 Task Force meeting – July 29, 2010 Community public meeting – August 9, 2010 Task Force meeting – August 27, nd Community public meeting – September, rd Community public meeting – November, 2010 Stakeholder roundtable – June-November

32 Alignment Refinement

33 Planning and Design Project Charlotte Cincinnati Dallas Minneapolis New Orleans Salt Lake City Tucson HDR Experience

34 Modern Streetcar Task Force Appointed November 3, 2009 Nina Petty, Greater Fort Worth Real Estate Council (Chair) Adam Adolfo, Artes de la Rosa Roy Brooks, Tarrant County Commissioner Bob Parmelee, Chair, The T Board of Directors Johnny Campbell, Sundance Square Management David Dubois, Fort Worth Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Dr. Rod Erakovich, Texas Wesleyan University J.D. Granger, Executive Director, Trinity River Vision Authority Fran McCarthy, Central City Redevelopment Committee Andre McEwing, President, Southeast Fort Worth, Inc. Pam Minick, Historic Stockyards Bold indicates Consultant Selection Panel member

35 Paul Paine, President, Fort Worth South, Inc. Phillip Poole, Associated Businesses of the Cultural District Scott Rule, Vice President, Tarrant County Health District Janet Saltsgiver, Neighborhood Representative Andy Taft, President, Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. Jamie Terrell, Local Transit User Joy Webster, Vice President, XTO Technical Richard Casarez, C&I Operations Director, Oncor Michael Morris, NCTCOG Transportation Director Modern Streetcar Task Force (cont.) Appointed November 3, 2009 Bold indicates Consultant Selection Panel member

36 Background Activity Date Linkages Study 1996 Fixed-Rail Trolley Line Feasibility Study 1998 Transit Alternatives Analysis 2002 Central City Redevelopment Committee White Paper January 2008 City Council appoints Modern Streetcar Study Committee July 2008 Pacific Northwest fact-finding trip October 2008 Modern Streetcar Study Committee recommendations to City Council December 2008 Mobility and Air Quality Plan January 2009

37 Modern Streetcar Planning and Design Next Steps (cont.) November:  If the City Council chooses to accept the business plan and proceed with the modern streetcar project, then the City and The T will submit the grant application (agreement) to FTA for the grant.  If the City Council chooses to not proceed with the project at that time, the City and The T would notify FTA accordingly.