La Plaza Vieja Neighborhood Plan Transportation Commission Meeting Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Sara Dechter, AICP City of Flagstaff Comprehensive Planning Program
Commissions and Public Hearings P&Z Work Session August 26 Public Hearing #1 Sept. 9 Public Hearing #2 Aquaplex Sept Parks and Recreation Traffic Commission & Bicycle AC Pedestrian AC & Heritage Preservation City Council Oct. 13 & 20 September 17 Final Public Hearing Draft Final Edits Final Transportation Recommendation
Great Streets Milton Rd & Route 66 Internal Streets Clay Avenue & Blackbird Roost (Minor Collectors) Local Roads Other Transportation Issues Weak Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections to services and other neighborhoods 3
Goals and Policies Goal #10 – FUTS Goal #11 – Bicycle and Pedestrian Crossings Goal #12 – Internal Neighborhood Streets Goal #13 – Neighborhood Great Streets Goal #14 – Access to Transit Goal #10 – FUTS Goal #11 – Bicycle and Pedestrian Crossings Goal #12 – Internal Neighborhood Streets Goal #13 – Neighborhood Great Streets Goal #14 – Access to Transit 4 Concept Plan Potential Streetscapes Road locations and classifications FUTS and on-street bicycle and pedestrian connections Potential Streetscapes Road locations and classifications FUTS and on-street bicycle and pedestrian connections
5 Map 25: Future Road Network (from FRP30) Black roads denote freeways; blue denotes Circulation; orange denotes Access and dashed lines are future roads Roads and FRP30
Transportation Commission Pedestrian and Bicycle Action Committee recommended the Plan with the following conditions: Map 14 should be moved from the appendix to the main body of the plan, Preference should be given to the Neighborhood Association’s preferred scenario for future streets, and Implementation of the FUTS through the neighborhood should be part of all scenarios Pedestrian and Bicycle Action Committee recommended the Plan with the following conditions: Map 14 should be moved from the appendix to the main body of the plan, Preference should be given to the Neighborhood Association’s preferred scenario for future streets, and Implementation of the FUTS through the neighborhood should be part of all scenarios
Transportation Commission Comments from the September 2nd Transportation Commission meeting – Bicycle and pedestrian connectivity and adequate FUTS access is important. – Arterial function on Milton and 66 are necessary to addressing the neighborhood’s concerns. – Regional and transit connectivity is important and needs to be sensitive to the neighborhood context. – Move alternative scenario into Chapter 2. Comments from the September 2nd Transportation Commission meeting – Bicycle and pedestrian connectivity and adequate FUTS access is important. – Arterial function on Milton and 66 are necessary to addressing the neighborhood’s concerns. – Regional and transit connectivity is important and needs to be sensitive to the neighborhood context. – Move alternative scenario into Chapter 2.
Updates to the Plan Moved Map 14 from Appendix to Chapter 2 Updated Chapter 2 descriptions of streetscape scenarios Added additional street cross sections Removed place-specific language from POLICY 10.1 Changed Implementation Strategy 10.2 to remove language suggesting that a sidewalk could replace the FUTS trail Addressed stormwater more clearly because it is critical to streetscape scenarios. Moved Map 14 from Appendix to Chapter 2 Updated Chapter 2 descriptions of streetscape scenarios Added additional street cross sections Removed place-specific language from POLICY 10.1 Changed Implementation Strategy 10.2 to remove language suggesting that a sidewalk could replace the FUTS trail Addressed stormwater more clearly because it is critical to streetscape scenarios.
9 Integrated Transportation Scenarios Enhanced Urban Network Minor Collectors FUTS
10 Integrated Transportation Scenarios FUTS McCracken St. Extension
Street Cross Sections 11 69’ ROW 55’ ROW 60’ ROW 24’ ROW
Tonight’s Decision Confirm input from Committees Make a recommendation to the City Council Confirm input from Committees Make a recommendation to the City Council