Positive intervention on Skin Color. Andrew Olsen ETHS 2410 Spring 2016
Skin Color My social issue is on skin color and how there is colorism within the African American community and how in some cases that this can lead to skin bleaching, self harming, and depression to name a few. Watching the documentary Dark Girls is what really piqued my interest on this subject I had no idea that there was so much more than just light and dark skinned. My social issue is on skin color and how there is colorism within the African American community and how in some cases that this can lead to skin bleaching, self harming, and depression to name a few. Watching the documentary Dark Girls is what really piqued my interest on this subject I had no idea that there was so much more than just light and dark skinned.
Why this is important. This is an important issue to me because I think that everyone should be able to love themselves, I think that once we erase these ideas of skin color society would change for the better. I decided to choose this topic because I had a friend who is African American, she posted on facebook one day after a date with a “light skinned” as he was called the date did not go well and she said that she would no longer date light skinned and would only date dark skinned from then on. This is an important issue to me because I think that everyone should be able to love themselves, I think that once we erase these ideas of skin color society would change for the better. I decided to choose this topic because I had a friend who is African American, she posted on facebook one day after a date with a “light skinned” as he was called the date did not go well and she said that she would no longer date light skinned and would only date dark skinned from then on.
Scholarly Research Race in Hollywood- Reading this article and watching the video has shown me that race and color is not just a problem in the outside world but in Hollywood as well and that this is an epidemic of large proportions. This added to why we need an intervention this is happening everywhere, its not just contained to regular society, but those who are considered the elite. Reading why lighter skin is better than darker skin made me realize that we have stigmas in place for so many people we say that all blondes are dumb and that white men have no rhythm, we as a society have put these in place and we have to change it. Intervention is needed but we have to change society’s mind on practically everything they have ever known. In this article it was not only devaluing to women, but to skin color as well and not just one skin color it was all colors of brown to black. Why intervention is needed, we need to not only make everyone comfortable in their skin but to be sure that we are not devaluing a someone based on gender. Race in Hollywood- Reading this article and watching the video has shown me that race and color is not just a problem in the outside world but in Hollywood as well and that this is an epidemic of large proportions. This added to why we need an intervention this is happening everywhere, its not just contained to regular society, but those who are considered the elite. Reading why lighter skin is better than darker skin made me realize that we have stigmas in place for so many people we say that all blondes are dumb and that white men have no rhythm, we as a society have put these in place and we have to change it. Intervention is needed but we have to change society’s mind on practically everything they have ever known. In this article it was not only devaluing to women, but to skin color as well and not just one skin color it was all colors of brown to black. Why intervention is needed, we need to not only make everyone comfortable in their skin but to be sure that we are not devaluing a someone based on gender.
Intervention Intervention is needed to ensure that all children and adults know that they will not be judged by the color of their skin, and that they know that they are an integral part of society. Who will be involved ? Anyone can join and be involved those who want to see a positive shift and change in society. This is not just for black people, it involves the whole community whites, gays, transgender and the disabled. The cost will be minimal in order to get the cause going we would make flyers which to make those will not cost much maybe $3 at most, the cost of a venue could go anywhere from free to $50. Intervention is needed to ensure that all children and adults know that they will not be judged by the color of their skin, and that they know that they are an integral part of society. Who will be involved ? Anyone can join and be involved those who want to see a positive shift and change in society. This is not just for black people, it involves the whole community whites, gays, transgender and the disabled. The cost will be minimal in order to get the cause going we would make flyers which to make those will not cost much maybe $3 at most, the cost of a venue could go anywhere from free to $50.
Resistance There will be resistance just like with other movement. Those who will be involved in a resistance would be those who oppose change and those who have been indoctrinated and ruled by past decisions. For those who do resist will be met with information, they will know that we are about peace and the facts. There will be resistance just like with other movement. Those who will be involved in a resistance would be those who oppose change and those who have been indoctrinated and ruled by past decisions. For those who do resist will be met with information, they will know that we are about peace and the facts.
Impact I would like to see a lasting effect be that children can grow up not thinking twice about their color, to know that they are needed by society, that they are intelligent and beautiful. It would be positive for the African American community because they will not have to fight for what is right and deserved by everyone this will impact not only the African American community but every social group who had felt disenfranchised. I would like to see a lasting effect be that children can grow up not thinking twice about their color, to know that they are needed by society, that they are intelligent and beautiful. It would be positive for the African American community because they will not have to fight for what is right and deserved by everyone this will impact not only the African American community but every social group who had felt disenfranchised.
Who will be involved.
Support. I think that the support would be overwhelming this would involve the whole community not just black or white, everyone white, black, gay, straight, transgender, young and old. The disenfranchised masses could find solidarity in this cause that is a movement for everyone. When I asked around at work and school I ran into many opinions in favor and not in favor of this movement some thought where we are is working and with a fragile system said this was not plausible. I did speak to those who felt this was a good idea those who supported we those part of the African America, gay, and transgender community and those of more liberal backgrounds. I think that the support would be overwhelming this would involve the whole community not just black or white, everyone white, black, gay, straight, transgender, young and old. The disenfranchised masses could find solidarity in this cause that is a movement for everyone. When I asked around at work and school I ran into many opinions in favor and not in favor of this movement some thought where we are is working and with a fragile system said this was not plausible. I did speak to those who felt this was a good idea those who supported we those part of the African America, gay, and transgender community and those of more liberal backgrounds.
Work cited Capretto, Lisa. "Race In Hollywood: Black Actresses Weigh In On The Light Skin Vs. Dark Skin Debate (VIDEO)." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 6 June Web. 29 Apr Lynette, Nikki. "Why Lighter Skin Is Better than Dark Skin." Latest and Greatest from Chicagoans. Chicago Now, Mar Web. 29 Apr Reporter, Daily Mail. "Light-skinned vs Dark-skinned African-American Beauty." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, May Web. 29 Apr Capretto, Lisa. "Race In Hollywood: Black Actresses Weigh In On The Light Skin Vs. Dark Skin Debate (VIDEO)." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 6 June Web. 29 Apr Lynette, Nikki. "Why Lighter Skin Is Better than Dark Skin." Latest and Greatest from Chicagoans. Chicago Now, Mar Web. 29 Apr Reporter, Daily Mail. "Light-skinned vs Dark-skinned African-American Beauty." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, May Web. 29 Apr