Repaso de vocabulario Adentro del fuego
Directions Clear your desk except for one piece of paper and a writing utensil ( you will want to take notes) INTO THE FIRE! When I call on you, you have 5 seconds (just like Jeopardy) to give the correct definition for the word or you go INTO THE FIRE! I will then call on another student and they will give me an example sentence using the word in Spanish. That same student will have to give the correct answer for the next word.
February febrero EXAMPLE:
The woman La mujer
knife cuchillo
Red-haired pelirrojo
Used to fight peleaba
team equipo
I need… Me falta
young joven
under debajo
The worst el/ la peor
We wear/wore llevamos
Dept. store almacen
this Este, esta
socks Los calcetines
To look for buscar
painting cuadro
We sleep dormimos
basement sotano
You think piensas
Our/ours nuestros
Inexpensive, cheap barato
I get up Me levanto
To sell vender
Last year El año pasado
As difficult as Tan dificil como
The straighten up Se arreglan
clean limpio
To lend Pedir prestado
early temprano
I/he/she used to lie mentia
We come venimos
together juntos
rooms cuartos
I saw vi
His/her/their su
I bought them Los compré