Organising a Languages Festival CILT and Amanda Grange Consultant International Links
Some suggested in-house PL activities Language festival French/German/Spanish Open Day Language activity week Features could include songs, conversations, role play, accounts of visits or partnerships For partnership activities, ICT could be used
What needs to be done In agreement with the Head and governors, book a date and publicise it Enlist the help of certain key people Identify and invite a small number of key guests, create a special invitation (ICT)
Invite representatives from your local secondary school and local dignitaries Not just the headteacher, but head of languages too Y7 children might collaborate with primary classes and do joint presentations Inform the local press and follow this up
Persuade the school Parents’ Association to support Communicate the event to the school community Think how to decorate your venue Source some prizes Look forward to the event!
People who can help Your headteacher Your governors The Parents’ Association Local firms Your music teachers The FLA, parents or other native speaker from the community TAs
How to make the event a success The event must be the right length Plan for a variety of activities Have a good opener Maximum participation Good rehearsal of set pieces Intersperse the heavier items with more light-hearted contributions
Classes can present any one of the following: Finger rhymes Songs Dances Counting Action songs Role play
Individual set pieces Short role-play situations Pair work with short conversations Interviews with each other or celebrities
Other activities Put on a fashion show Puppet show in French Play games from other countries in PE (some may involve words in another language) Do artwork based on a famous artist of the country where the studied language is spoken, leading to an exhibition in the school and/or local library or supermarket Workshops to teach other languages e.g. use community languages Have food tasting sessions
Sources of support for Co-ordinators www, Your LA consultant ELL forum Q&A forum with other countries too e.g. does anyone have a song in German about frogs? Courses ELL bulletin LSGs Young Pathfinder booklets J L Portfolio
Don’t forget EDL! 26 th September