1 Dr. Ali Mistarihi Employee Training & Development
2 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Definition: “The process to determine whether trg is necessary, who needs it & in what areas” 1. Organizational analysis Components ( trg involves ): 2. Person analysis 3. Task analysis Needs Assessment Org.al Analysis Person Analysis Task Analysis 1. Organizational analysis 2. Person analysis 3. Task analysis 1. Organizational analysis 2. Person analysis
3 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development 1. Organizational analysis (Ch.2): Involves analysing: a. the org’s strategic direction b. availability of resources c. mgt support To identify who needs trg. 2. Person (individual) analysis
4 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development 2. Person (individual) analysis It involves: a. whether performance gaps result from lack of: KSAO’s, OR motivation OR Work design issues / problems b. ensuring employees are ready for trg
5 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development 3. Task analysis To identify important tasks, KSAO’s that need to be emphasized in trg for employees to do their tasks Why is needs assessment necessary? 1. Incorrectly used as a solution to a problem If incorrectly done, it may result in the following situations: 2. wrong / unfit trg program content 3. trainees may not have trg pre-requisites 4. waste of time, effort and resources
6 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Figure 3.1; p. 91 Legislation Lack of basic skills Poor performance New tech Customer requests New products Higher standards New jobs Why Trg? (Pressure Points) What areas to be assessed? What to be learned? Who to train? What trg type? When? Buy or built-in trg? Trg & other HR? How to train? Org.al Perso n Task What are the asst outcomes?
7 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Who should participate in Needs Analysis? 1. traditionally, trainers only Upper-level mgrs Mid-level mgrs Supervisors (lower-level mgrs) Trainers Trainees Trg & dev units Customers, suppliers, etc.. 2. recently,..
8 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Who should participate in Needs Analysis? 5. a link b/w “who” & “what” 4. job incumbents / holders Shown in Table 3.1; p SME’s [ subject-matter-experts ] are: Employees / peers Academics Mgrs Tech experts Trainers Customers / suppliers, etc.. Trg issues / tasks to be performed KSAO’s Other… S M E ’ s a r e e x p e r t s i n :
9 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Who should participate in Needs Analysis? Table 3.1; p. 93 Lower level Middle level Upper level Org.al analysis Person analysis Task analysis What tasks? Knowledg e / skills,.. Which employees need trg? Specific budget Mgrs support trg What jobs? Do we have the right skills to compete? Who should be trained? What level? Sectors / functions/ business units Trg budget Link trg to bus. Goals / strategies What jobs? Trg budget
10 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Methods Used in Needs Assessment 2. questionnaire surveys 1. observation + data relevant to work Table; p. 95 -needs skilled observer -behaviour may be affected + inexpensive + larger no. of persons -time consuming -inappropriate responses -lacks detail
11 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Methods Used in Needs Assessment 4. focus groups 3. interviews + detailed (uncover issues) + flexible Table; p. 95 -time consuming -difficulty in analysis -bias / info you want to hear ! + for complex issues / differing views -members reluctant to participate -time consuming to organize -may go out of control
12 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Methods Used in Needs Assessment 6. online technology 5. documentation / records + objective + specific task info Table; p. 95 -difficulty in understanding tech language + objective + less interruption to work -may be abused (used for punishment !) -for certain jobs only (those require interaction with customers
13 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development The Assessment Process Org.al analysis -Strategic direction -Mgt support -Trg resources Figure..; p. 97 Person analysis D o w e w a n t t o d e v o t e t i m e & m o n e y t o t r g ? YE S NO Task analysis STOP
14 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development 1. Organizational analysis Performance problems Change in the job Use of new technology may be resulted from: (pressure points) pgs Addressed in other courses 2. Person analysis (who ?) may be indicated by: Customer complaints Low performance ratings On-the-job incidents Higher performance levels
15 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development is aimed to ensure the employee’s readiness for trg. 2. Person analysis (who ?) the following to be analysed: Knowledge Skills Abilities Attitudes Beliefs Motivation a. Person characteristics (KSAOs)
16 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Basic skills that are necessary for employees to perform the job and learn the content of the trg program Person characteristics: reading, writing math, computer cognitive ability, etc.. a. basic skills: Identify pre-requisites (skill gaps) for trg: (HOW ?). Pg. 103 TRAINERS: collect info. meet with SMEs identify a list of activities performed make a list of the most important activities identify the skill level conduct a pre-test (skill evaluation to identify gaps) Example: good observation skills for nurses..
17 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Instructions given to the employee Resources b. input c. output Job performance standards Incentives given to the employee for good performance d. consequences e. feedback Info given to the employee while performing Person characteristics..
18 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development a JOB vs a TASK A job includes certain tasks … select the job/s to be analyzed prepare a list of tasks performed validate / confirm the list (by SMEs) identify KSAOs 3. Task analysis (what ?) The objective is to identify the tasks to be done and the KSAOs required to do them … STEPS : pg. 111 Based on >>>>>
19 Ch.3: Needs Assessment Employee Training & Development Frequency of performance Importance of task Difficulty level of the task 3. Task analysis (what ?) Question : Which one of these should trg target ? Factors of task analysis : Answer: D I F F I C U L TY L E V E L … Example : pg. 112
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