Social Influences on Health Behavior Rebecca Amantia H671
Outline Social Influence Levels of Influence Social Networks & Support Social Influence Model Social Action Theory TTI
Social Influence A complex set of processes No unifying social influence theory Recognized by many theories utilized in health behavior theory Considered omnidirectional, occurring at multiple levels, with each level impacting the rest.
Theories… To Name a Few Primary Socialization Theory Social Cognitive Theory Theory of Reasoned Action Social Norms Theory Social Network Theory Etc…
Levels of Influence Close Influences tend to be the strongest Filtered through broader context Family influence Friend influences Centrally located within a social group
Social Network & Social Support Why is it important to define these two terms separately? What is the challenge with naming it “social support systems?” Social networks refer to the structure of relationships that provide information on how on individual is integrated with others (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Not only channel information but determine value and importance. Within social networks, people can provide social support Others that provide or supply resources. Life-span approach: Perceived & Received
Social Influence Model Complicated and dynamic process Understood within social contexts Considering nature of information Socioculutral Context & Social Interactions 3 Key Social Influence Processes Directly linked to health behavior. Feedback Sociocultural context Social Interactions Communication / Information Socialization Selection Norms Health Behavior
Social Context Why might social context matter? Social context can be dynamic Culture Nested Hierarchies Reinforce conventional norms and values Can contribute to proximal social influences
Social Influence Processes Social influence is an information-processing activity Due to differences in social context, experiences and interpretations of experiences 3 social influence processes work. SocializationSelection Social Norms Not exclusive, may interact. Sociocultural context Social Interactions Communicatio n/ Information Socialization Selection Norms Health Behavior
Socialization Tends to encourage an adjustment of beliefs to fit within a social group Social reinforcement Direct and Indirect Peer Pressure Can anyone think of a time they have experienced socialization?
Selection Process where individuals pick friends who they share common interests, views, and behaviors Once selected friends mutually reinforce one another’s attitudes and behaviors Protective factor: Parents discouraging selection of problem behaving friends or limiting those types of relationships.
Social Norms Independent effects Perceived social norms play a role in socialization and selection processes. Social Norm and Selection: Normative perceptions that binge drinking is cool may lead to a reassessment of acceptability of adolescents who excessively drink or party. Does anyone have an example of a social norm that might play a role in socialization?
Social Action Theory Focused on changing habits Behavior change involves restructuring self-endeavors 3 phases where this takes place. Phase 1 Defining habits as action sequences that should be increased or reduced How these sequences are woven into important daily routines. Phase 2 Proactive Attention Social Engagement Phase 3 Social-emotional competence Objective assets Social power
TTI and social influence???
15 BEHAVIOR Intentions/Decision E nvironment Attitudes Toward Behavior Social Normative Beliefs Intra P ersonal Self-Efficacy Social S ituation ENVIRONMENTGENETICS THE THEORY OF TRIADIC INFLUENCE
16 The TTI Developmental-Ecological System P SS S E P Eval Behavior SNBSelf Efficacy Att Intentions Will + Skill Exp McNB KnowValue Social Bonds Role Models Self- Control Com- petence SNB Values Environment Knowledge Environment E NVIRONMENT S ituation P erson EE Affective/Control Substreams Cognitive/Competence Substreams DEVELOPMENT & TIME Ultimate Underlying Causes Levels of Causation Distal Predisposing Influences Proximal Immediate Predictors
17 DECISIONS/INTENTIONS SOCIAL S ITUATION BIOLOGY/ P ERSONALITY THE THEORY OF TRIADIC INFLUENCE ATTITUDES TOWARD THE BEHAVIOR SOCIAL NORMATIVE BELIEFS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological SELF-EFFICACY BEHAVIORAL CONTROL Nurture/CulturalBiological/Nature Intrapersonal StreamSocial/Normative StreamCultural/Attitudinal Stream Distal Influences Proximal Predictors Levels of Causation Ultimate Causes Social/ Personal Nexus Expectancies & Evaluations Affect and Cognitions Decisions Experiences a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x Related Behaviors J K C F I B E H A D G CULTURAL E NVIRONMENT