To evaluate the harmfulness of drugs and alcohol To complete the marked piece of work for this unit
A written reflection.. You will need to write a letter consolidating everything you have discussed in the unit. So, what have you learnt? You have 2 minutes with the people on your table to make a list of all the things we have covered and you have learnt during this topic.
A written reflection: The Task The task requires you to... Write a letter of advice to the young girl from the blog You needed to include: An explanation on what peer pressure is and how it has affected her life. Information on what binge drinking is and some of the short and long term effects of drinking. Guidance on the law regarding cannabis and other drugs including legal highs. Your overall advice when it comes to issues of drugs and alcohol.
What else? The CSI team need your help. We have to follow certain guidelines and regulations when it comes to the delivery of drugs and alcohol education. However, we can change and adapt things. So, can you now grab a post it note and write to us, your CSI teachers. What sort of things have you enjoyed in the unit? What other things would you like to include? Have you got any other activities or ideas we could use in this unit?