1 Steps for Successful Commissioned Corps Awards Nominations 2015 Alaska Area Commissioned Corps Board
2 Goals & Objectives GOAL: To improve the success & timeliness of officer recognition GOAL: To improve the success & timeliness of officer recognition OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES Review type of awards & associated criteria Review type of awards & associated criteria Focus on preparing successful nominations Focus on preparing successful nominations Gain better understanding of overall process to form realistic expectations Gain better understanding of overall process to form realistic expectations
Awards… Designed to provide formal recognition for outstanding accomplishments and performance to the mission of the PHS or other programs Designed to provide formal recognition for outstanding accomplishments and performance to the mission of the PHS or other programs Officers DO NOT compete against each other Officers DO NOT compete against each other There are no minimum or maximum number of nominations There are no minimum or maximum number of nominations Open to all officers on active duty (Regular Corps and All Categories and Grades) Open to all officers on active duty (Regular Corps and All Categories and Grades) 3
4 Why Are Awards Important? Demonstrate advancement of the mission of PHS Demonstrate advancement of the mission of PHS Officer career development & progression Officer career development & progression Promotion/Category benchmarks Promotion/Category benchmarks Officer morale Officer morale Recruitment and retention Recruitment and retention
5 CC Awards Program (COAP) CC Issuance updated Aug 2007 Replaced previous, dated 2000 Replaced previous, dated 2000 Includes clarification & timelines Includes clarification & timelines Incorporates FMRB, Deployment Service Awards, Recruiter badge & ribbon Incorporates FMRB, Deployment Service Awards, Recruiter badge & ribbon Limitations: unit award & individual award cannot overlap unless notable difference effort from group. Limitations: unit award & individual award cannot overlap unless notable difference effort from group.
6 Purpose of COAP Encourage maximum performance Encourage maximum performance Formal recognition of outstanding accomplishments or achievements Formal recognition of outstanding accomplishments or achievements Improve esprit de corps among officers Improve esprit de corps among officers
7 COAP Limited to scope of officer’s employment with the Corps Limited to scope of officer’s employment with the Corps Non-competitive Non-competitive No award progression or order No award progression or order Award assessed upon comparison of criteria Award assessed upon comparison of criteria
Award Types Reference CCPM P67
Individual Honor Awards* 1. Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) 2. Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) 3. Outstanding Service Medal (OSM) 4. Commendation Medal (CM) 5. Achievement Medal (AM) 6. PHS Citation (CIT) *for which officers are nominated in decreasing order of level of impact
Unit Honor Awards 1. Outstanding Unit Citation (OUC) 2. Unit Commendation (UC) Nomination should include non-CO & inter-agency team members Nomination should include non-CO & inter-agency team members Cover sheet, Part 1, Comment section: mention non-COs to be recognized through civilian awards Cover sheet, Part 1, Comment section: mention non-COs to be recognized through civilian awards
11 Service Awards Crisis Response Crisis Response Foreign Duty Foreign Duty Global Response Global Response Hazardous Duty Hazardous Duty Isolated Hardship Recruitment Service Response Service Special Assignment Require a statement from supervisor (or appropriate person) regarding completion of required criteria
12 Eligibility Officer must be in compliance with professional licensure or certification Officer must be in compliance with professional licensure or certification Officer in “good standing” Officer in “good standing” Most recent COER must be on file Most recent COER must be on file COERs on file for period covered COERs on file for period covered Average rating of C or higher for most recent & those during period covered Average rating of C or higher for most recent & those during period covered No suspensions or adverse actions No suspensions or adverse actions
13 Nomination “Each recommendation must be formally initiated within 13 months” after the end of time period covered “Each recommendation must be formally initiated within 13 months” after the end of time period covered Nominator may be fellow officer, co-worker, superior…but not self. Nominator may be fellow officer, co-worker, superior…but not self. Follow the chain of command- supervisors should review award before it is submitted to awards board. Follow the chain of command- supervisors should review award before it is submitted to awards board.
14 Writing the Nomination Write the nomination 1 st, then determine what level award is warranted Write the nomination 1 st, then determine what level award is warranted Nominee should contribute to (or write) the narrative since they are most knowledgeable about accomplishments and impacts Nominee should contribute to (or write) the narrative since they are most knowledgeable about accomplishments and impacts You are in charge of your own career You are in charge of your own career Plan ahead. Plan ahead. Recommendation: awards should be in officer’s file by October to meet following year’s promotion board Recommendation: awards should be in officer’s file by October to meet following year’s promotion board
15 Writing the Nomination Not to exceed 2 pages Not to exceed 2 pages 1 inch margins 1 inch margins Font size at least 12 Font size at least 12 Courier, Arial or Times New Roman Courier, Arial or Times New Roman Use rank abbreviated as LTJG, LT, LCDR or CAPT Use rank abbreviated as LTJG, LT, LCDR or CAPT Do not use Dr., Ms., Mr., etc Do not use Dr., Ms., Mr., etc Spell out numbers (1-10) Spell out numbers (1-10)
16 Writing the Nomination Avoid technical language. Should be easily understood & followed by those outside your profession, agency Avoid technical language. Should be easily understood & followed by those outside your profession, agency Avoid fluff. Let the facts speak for themselves. Avoid fluff. Let the facts speak for themselves. Define abbreviations on 1 st use Define abbreviations on 1 st use Avoid future tense (“will be”) in impact Avoid future tense (“will be”) in impact Avoid passive language (“has been”) Avoid passive language (“has been”)
17 Writing the Nomination “Cited for” “Cited for” Begin with 3-4 lines stating why the officer is being nominated Begin with 3-4 lines stating why the officer is being nominated This citation should match verbatim the “cited for” box on the cover sheet (18- character max) & narrative conclusion This citation should match verbatim the “cited for” box on the cover sheet (18- character max) & narrative conclusion Do not, however, repeat the dates in the cited for on the cover sheet or conclusion Do not, however, repeat the dates in the cited for on the cover sheet or conclusion Include appropriate “key words” for level of award (ie, OSM should focus on leadership) Include appropriate “key words” for level of award (ie, OSM should focus on leadership)
18 Writing the Nomination “Background” “Background” Short paragraph describing the conditions that existed prior to the accomplishment Short paragraph describing the conditions that existed prior to the accomplishment What is the officer’s regular duties? What is the officer’s regular duties? Why was it important to make a change? Why was it important to make a change? Don’t make the situation improved appear dismal before intervention Don’t make the situation improved appear dismal before intervention
19 Writing the Nomination As a rough guideline, when selecting award include at least: As a rough guideline, when selecting award include at least: 1 significant accomplishment for CIT 1 significant accomplishment for CIT 2 significant accomplishments for AM 2 significant accomplishments for AM More worthy accomplishments for CM & above More worthy accomplishments for CM & above
20 Writing the Nomination “Accomplishments” “Accomplishments” What exactly did the officer do? What exactly did the officer do? What was the officer’s role? What was the officer’s role? When? Dates should not be outside the time period covered When? Dates should not be outside the time period covered What obstacles were overcome? How? What obstacles were overcome? How? Describe how officer’s achievements were above & beyond expectations Describe how officer’s achievements were above & beyond expectations Be specific Be specific Be quantitative (include data, measurements, numbers) Be quantitative (include data, measurements, numbers) Use bullets to improve clarity Use bullets to improve clarity
21 Writing the Nomination “Impact” “Impact” So what? So what? Why is the public health better as a result of the officer’s accomplishments? Why is the public health better as a result of the officer’s accomplishments? What were the results of the accomplishments? What were the results of the accomplishments? Again, be as quantitative as possible Again, be as quantitative as possible Most common reason for awards being returned is lack of demonstrable impact Most common reason for awards being returned is lack of demonstrable impact
22 Writing the Nomination “Conclusion” “Conclusion” Brief summary emphasizing importance of work Brief summary emphasizing importance of work Should replicate the “Cited for” fields in the narrative introduction & cover sheet verbatim with the exception of dates. Should replicate the “Cited for” fields in the narrative introduction & cover sheet verbatim with the exception of dates. Be brief…forget the fluff. Be brief…forget the fluff.
23 Cover Sheet (PHS 6342) Templates are an excellent tool for correct format Part 1 Rank: this is a letter (Officer) not a number Rank: this is a letter (Officer) not a number PHS Professional Category PHS Professional Category There are 11 categories There are 11 categories Use one of the following: medical, dental, nurse, engineer, scientist, environmental health, veterinary, pharmacy, dietetics, therapy, health services Use one of the following: medical, dental, nurse, engineer, scientist, environmental health, veterinary, pharmacy, dietetics, therapy, health services
24 Cover Sheet (PHS 6342) Current Organization for AK officers will be: USPHS/IHS/AANHS… Current Organization for AK officers will be: USPHS/IHS/AANHS… Followed by the officer’s organization… Followed by the officer’s organization… Such as ANTHC or SCF (not ANMC) Such as ANTHC or SCF (not ANMC) USPHS/IHS/AANHS/SCF… USPHS/IHS/AANHS/SCF… Followed by officer’s duty station location Followed by officer’s duty station location USPHS/IHS/AANHS/SCF/Anchorage, AK USPHS/IHS/AANHS/SCF/Anchorage, AK
25 Cover Sheet (PHS 6342) Organization Position Title Organization Position Title Billet title, for example Billet title, for example Period Covered Period Covered Month & Year (unless activity was very short, such as 1 week) Month & Year (unless activity was very short, such as 1 week) Do not use “present” Do not use “present” Cited for Cited for Not to exceed 180 characters (this includes spaces) Not to exceed 180 characters (this includes spaces) Should match narrative introduction & conclusion verbatim Should match narrative introduction & conclusion verbatim
26 Cover Sheet (PHS 6342) Nominator & Endorsements Nominator & Endorsements Nominator signature not needed until nomination approved by AK Awards Board Nominator signature not needed until nomination approved by AK Awards Board Follow usual administrative line of approval Follow usual administrative line of approval
27 Cover Sheet (PHS 6342) Comment Section Comment Section Add explanation for any overlapping awards, recognition for civilians & interagency group participants (for unit awards) Add explanation for any overlapping awards, recognition for civilians & interagency group participants (for unit awards)
28 Submitting Award Nomination Submit award package which includes Submit award package which includes Coversheet (signature & date should be left blank when submitting) Coversheet (signature & date should be left blank when submitting) Completed checklist indicating that each step was given proper attention Completed checklist indicating that each step was given proper attention Narrative Narrative May be ed to: May be ed to:
29 Improving Timeliness Award nominations and cover sheets should be submitted electronically to: Award nominations and cover sheets should be submitted electronically to: If completed documents are received by the 10 th of the month, the award will be reviewed by AK CCAB in same month If completed documents are received by the 10 th of the month, the award will be reviewed by AK CCAB in same month
30 Improving Timeliness AK CCAB historically has spent significant time revising nominations & cover sheets AK CCAB historically has spent significant time revising nominations & cover sheets Formatting problems Formatting problems Difficult to understand or follow Difficult to understand or follow Lacking impact Lacking impact Poor responses from nominator for clarification, strengthening, formatting corrections, etc Poor responses from nominator for clarification, strengthening, formatting corrections, etc
31 Improving Timeliness Alaska Area Commissioned Officer Awards Booklet Alaska Area Commissioned Officer Awards Booklet Purpose: to improve the quality of award nominations submitted to the AK CCAB Purpose: to improve the quality of award nominations submitted to the AK CCAB Improve timeliness of awards process to ensure officers are appropriately recognized in a timely manner Improve timeliness of awards process to ensure officers are appropriately recognized in a timely manner Allow CCAB to work towards improving other processes such as tracking & education Allow CCAB to work towards improving other processes such as tracking & education
32 Common reasons a nomination may be rejected Officer’s role not clearly explained Officer’s role not clearly explained Weak impact statements (most common mistake) Weak impact statements (most common mistake) Nomination is too technical Nomination is too technical Quantitative information is omitted Quantitative information is omitted Award level not appropriate Award level not appropriate Overlap with previous award Overlap with previous award
33 Common reasons a nomination may be rejected: Outside the 13 month period. Outside the 13 month period. Failure to adhere to formatting requirements. Failure to adhere to formatting requirements. Awards not adhering to these guidelines and/or checklist will not be reviewed by the awards board. Awards not adhering to these guidelines and/or checklist will not be reviewed by the awards board. Incomplete nominations will not be reviewed. Incomplete nominations will not be reviewed.
34 Processing DSM, MSM, OUC and those with Valor DSM, MSM, OUC and those with Valor OPDIV OCCO CCAB SG OCCO OPDIV OCCO CCAB SG OCCO OSM, CM, UC OSM, CM, UC OPDIV Awards Board OPDIV Approving Authority OCCO OPDIV Awards Board OPDIV Approving Authority OCCO AM, PHS CIT AM, PHS CIT OPDIV Approving Authority OCCO OPDIV Approving Authority OCCO
35 Award Follow-Up “I understand I was approved for an award but have not received it?” It may take 4-5 months for CIT, AM & UC It may take 4-5 months for CIT, AM & UC Several months for CM & above Several months for CM & above Delayed by revisions & requests for additional information Delayed by revisions & requests for additional information CCAB at:
36 Awards Time Frame AK Awards Board review AK Awards Board review May need revision or additional information from nominator May need revision or additional information from nominator Awards returned to nominator/nominee for correction, clarification or rewrite must be resubmitted with 60 days. Awards returned to nominator/nominee for correction, clarification or rewrite must be resubmitted with 60 days. After AK CCAB approval, nominator signature After AK CCAB approval, nominator signature Endorsements (min of 3, including the Director AANHS) Endorsements (min of 3, including the Director AANHS) OCCO ensures documents related to approved awards are posted in officer’s OPF OCCO ensures documents related to approved awards are posted in officer’s OPF Hardware received by AK CCAB & forwarded Hardware received by AK CCAB & forwarded
37 Authorization Officer is authorized to wear the ribbon once the award is posted in your OPF Officer is authorized to wear the ribbon once the award is posted in your OPF
38 Questions? Thank you for your time & interest Thank you for your time & interest Happy Nominating! Happy Nominating!
39 References PHS COAP, CC27.1.1, 8/06/07 PHS COAP, CC27.1.1, 8/06/07 CCPM P67, 6/98 CCPM P67, 6/98 Alaska Area Commissioned Officer Awards Booklet, 2007 Alaska Area Commissioned Officer Awards Booklet, 2007 “The Nuts & Bolts of PHS Awards”, R.Etzel “The Nuts & Bolts of PHS Awards”, R.Etzel s.html (for PHS Order of Precedence) s.html (for PHS Order of Precedence) s.html s.html ments/CommissionedOfficerAwardsProgram.p df ments/CommissionedOfficerAwardsProgram.p df ments/CommissionedOfficerAwardsProgram.p df ments/CommissionedOfficerAwardsProgram.p df