CFD Exercise 1 Laminar & turbulent flows with COMSOL
What is CFD?
What is needed to numerically solve N-S eqs?
Exercise 1 Calculate the velocity profile at the end of the pipe (10 cm of inner diameter and 30 m length). The property of the fluid are 1 g/mL density,1 mPa s viscosity and the average velocity is 1 cm/s. What is the Reynolds number? Is the flow laminar or turbulent? Can the geometry be simplified? Transient or steady state?
Questions - 1 Compare the numerical results with the analytical solution (Poiseuille profile). Is there any deviation? Why? What is the length after that we can say that the flow is developed? What does it happens to the numerical solution when the computational grid is coarsened or refined?
Setup of a simulation with COMSOL Steps to follow: 1.Model wizard (appropriate) selections 2.Parameters input 3.Construction of the geometry 4.Selection of the materials (fluid with a certain density and viscosity) 5.Setup of boundary conditions and initial conditions 6.Generation the computational grid 7.Calculation of the solution 8.Analysis of the results
Exercise 2 Increase the fluid velocity up to 1 m/s and calculate again the velocity profile. What is the now the Reynolds number? Do we need other models (and other initial/boundary conditions)?
Questions - 2 Comment the numerical results. What is the main difference with respect to the laminar case? What is the length after that we can say that the flow is developed? Do you find something strange in the solution?