CERN 1sr October ACEOLE: Twelve Month Meeting Welcome, news of upcoming events, EC related events Reports from Work Package Leaders for the Progress Report Researcher’s presentations Pizza evening 19h00 Piatto d'Oro (transport organised by Evelyne) Upcoming events Marie-Curie Posters (Adriana) The international school of trigger and data acquisition 2010 TWEPP 2010 (September 21-24) Aachen CHEP 2010 (October 18-22) Taipei EC related events
Marie Curie Poster session All Marie Curie Fellows at CERN December 2009 (8:30 am - 5:30 pm) The exhibition will be introduced during the Scientific Policy committee (Monday 14 th pm and Tuesday 15 th am), the Finance committee (Wednesday 16 th ), the restricted Council Session (Thursday 17 th ) and the CERN council (Friday 18 th ). Two areas between the Council Chamber and the Main Auditorium 12 boards Overview posters with information on FP6 and FP7 Audience of senior scientists and administrators
Marie Curie Poster session The aim is to answer the following questions: What is the Marie Curie program? What impact does it have on the career of young Researchers? What impact does it have on CERN’s program? Which technical areas are covered? What are the details of the technical work?
DAQ ACEOLE Poster example Name of the fellow Description of the work Name of the fellow Description of the work Name of the fellow Description of the work Name of the fellow Description of the work
CERN 1sr October
CERN 1sr October MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 09: :00Opening/Intr o (GU) Intro to VMEbus (MJ) Intro to ROOT (OC) SocialNetworkNa59 TDAQ (SB) LAB 10: :00Intro to Detectors Labview (ID/TA) Modular Electronics (MJ) Low-Level Front-End Design (OC) Threaded Programming (GU) CMS TDAQ (SC) LAB 11: :00Intro to C/C++ (OC) DAQ Software (JP) New SystemsSocialSystem Design ATLAS TDAQ (LM) LAB 12: :00LUNCH 14: :00Intro to Trigger (FP) LAB 15: :00Trigger Hardware (FP) LAB activityLAB 16: :00Intro to Data AcQuisition (WV) LAB 17: :00DAQ Hardware (SB&WV) LAB activityLAB 18: :00FPGA (HS)LAB
CERN 1sr October Progress report (due October 2009). Main sections:- Overall progress of the project (2 pages) Contract deliverables update International conferences/events open to external researchers Mid-term review (March 2010) Visit from Project Officer and expert Agenda will be sent from the EC Updated Progress Report in February Periodic report (October 2010) ACEOLE 24 months meeting Wednesday 6 th October 2010 ACEOLE II planned for September 2010 call. New CERN White Paper? Need to work with associated partners in private sector (includes complementary skills). Will involve Researchers in organising and drafting EC related events (Deliverables)