Career Overview P. A. Posocco, CERN BE / ABP – HSL
Contents Brief overview of my CV My contribution to a few projects: ◦ The ALPI accelerator (LNL) and SPES ◦ The commissioning of the CNAO Injector ◦ SPL beam dynamics ◦ Linac 4 commissioning strategies ◦ Other collaborations at CERN LARP and me (me and LARP) 05/16/20112CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco
My CV at a glance 1 st stage (1999 – 2004)Master Student Summer 2002DESY Summer Student Program at Hasylab (DESY - Hamburg) September year INFN fellowship to work at LNL (Padova) ◦ Design of a Medium Energy Proton Transfer line March 2004Degree in Physics with honors (110/110 cum laude) 2 nd stage (2005 – 2007)PhD Student ◦ Radio Frequency Quadrupoles and Linacs design – EURISOL Collaboration ◦ Commissioning of the Super-Conducting Injector PIAVE ◦ Weekly set-up of the Super-Conducting linac ALPI ◦ Experience with Carbon Stripper Foils in ALPI / Commissioning of an ECR source September rd prize for the best student poster at LINAC08 February 2010INFN Resmini Prize for the best PhD thesis of 2009 for Accelerators and New Technologies Field 3 rd stage (2008 – Sept. 2009) Research Assistant at Consorzio RFX (Italy) ◦ IFMIF-EVEDA RFQ design ◦ Commissioning of the injector of Centro Nazionale Adronterapia Oncologica ◦ HIAT09 Conference Organisation – JACOW Editor 4 th stage (Oct – now)CERN Fellow Legend: Beam Dynamics Simulations Control Room Activities Experimental Activities Conference Organisation Legend: Beam Dynamics Simulations Control Room Activities Experimental Activities Conference Organisation 05/16/20113CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco
Specific Accelerator Physics Education Communication USPAS schools 2003 “Accelerator Physics”, S. Y. Lee (A+) 2004 “The SNS Project I/II” (A) 2005 “Microwaves for Accelerator Eng. and Phys.” (A) 2006 “Beam physics with intense Space Charge” (Outstanding+) 2007 “Ion sources and Low Energy Ion Beams” (Outstanding+) “Fundamentals of Low β Linacs with Sim. Lab” (Outstanding+) ILC School 4 th International School for Linear Colliders (China) Invited Talks HIAT 09“Status of linac beam commissioning for the Italian Hadron Therapy Center CNAO” HB2010“Beam Dynamics of SPL: Issues and Solutions” International collaborations / Collaboration Meeting Talks EURISOL IFMIF – EVEDA CNAO SPL 05/16/20114CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco
Model of the accelerator using beam dynamics simulations and the experience in the control room Upgrade plan for the LNL accelerator complex PhD Thesis: “Characterization of ALPI performances for future upgrades ” 05/16/20115CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco
PhD Thesis: Redesign of the injector PIAVE 18/02/2010PhD Thesis – P. A. Posocco6 Present beam dynamics New beam dynamics E acc in [MV/m], E in [MeV/A] P. A. Posocco et al., “The ALPI super-conducting accelerator upgrade for the SPES Project”, LINAC08, Victoria (BC), Canada.
PhD Thesis: Experience with Carbon stripper foils 18/02/2010PhD Thesis – P. A. Posocco7 Experimental activity 1.Validation of semi-empirical formulas 2.Equilibrium thickness 3.Energy loss 4.Beam transport Betz (1983) Nikolaev & Dmitriev (1968)
PhD Thesis: Carbon stripper foils data analysis 18/02/2010PhD Thesis – P. A. Posocco8 P. A. Posocco et al., “Experience with stripping carbon foils in ALPI super-conducting accelerator”, LINAC08, Victoria (BC), Canada.
05/16/2011CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco9 Commissioning of the CNAO injector P. A. Posocco et al., “Status of linac beam commissioning for the Italian Hadron Therapy Center CNAO”, HIAT09, Venice, Italy.
Examples of measurements (1/3): Solenoid axis misalignment 05/16/2011CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco10 Results: Very accurate centroid displacement correction (<1 mm over 3 cm wide beam!!!) Linear response
Examples of measurements (2/3): RFQ Characterization 05/16/2011CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco11 Transmission vs. Solenoid strength Transmission vs. RFQ voltage Beam Energy vs. RFQ voltage
Examples of measurements (3/3): RFQ acceptance 05/16/2011CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco12 Compatible with 0.5mm banana shape of the electrodes
sLHC SPL beam dynamics 05/16/201113CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco M. Eshraqi, A. Lombardi, P. A. Posocco, “Highly Segmented SPL as a Mixture of Doublet and FoDo”, CERN-ATS
Examples of beam dyn. studies (1/2): Transverse focusing 05/16/2011CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco14 Lattice comparison Studies Transverse Error Studies P. A. Posocco, M. Eshraqi, “Magnetic stripping studies for SPL”, CERN-BE M. Eshraqi, P. A. Posocco, “Doublet vs. FODO structure: beam dynamics and layout”, CERN-BE
Examples of beam dyn. studies (2/2): Exotic effects 05/16/2011CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco15 Intra-beam Stripping Studies in collaboration with Fermilab Longitudinal Error Studies (FB) P. A. Posocco, M. Eshraqi, A. M. Lombardi, “Beam Dynamics of SPL: Issues and solutions”, HB2010, Morschach, Switzerland.
Linac4 RFQ Commissioning Strategies RFQ Linac4 RFQ ParameterMinMaxUnits Beam energy3.0 MeV Operating frequency352.2MHz Peak beam current (pulse)1080mA RF duty cycle % Transverse emittance (in) π mm mrad Longitudinal emittance (out) π deg MeV 05/16/201116CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco
Other collaborations at CERN (1/2) ASACUSA beam transfer line New beam dynamics: ◦ Reduced beam envelope extent; ◦ dispersion matched; ◦ less sensitive to the buncher setting. After the RFQ: ◦ New low-losses, emittance cleaning line; ◦ Study of a second experimental line working in parallel. Trace3D envelopes 05/16/201117CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco P. A. Posocco, M. Eshraqi, M. G. Tudela, A Lombardi, “ASACUSA Beam Line Commissioning”, CERN- ATS-Note MD.
Other collaborations at CERN (2/2) ISOLDE RFQ re-commissioningTERA Foundation Check of the REX RFQ beam dynamics with recent simulation tools Experimental set-up for the longitudinal emittance reconstruction Calculation of the actual resolution of the measurement Supervising 2 students working on the beam dynamics of the turning linac for proton-therapy (TULIP) facility: ◦ transfer line from the Cyclotron; ◦ Linac characterization; ◦ beam delivery to the patient. 05/16/201118CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco
LARP and me Me and LARP Get to know the LHC world: ◦ Circular accelerators ◦ High energy ◦ State of the art concepts and technology Broaden my interests Exciting world wide collaborations Multitasking attitude Expertise in beam dynamics, simulations and control room based activities Crab cavities?? Collimation?? Beam-beam effects?? 05/16/2011CM16 - Toohig Talk 2 - P. A. Posocco19