Japanese Occupation
Bureau of Public Welfare: - under the Executive Commission Tasks: general welfare of the citizens Food and comfort to released prisoners Closure: 1943 || Reason: food shortage in the country
VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATIONS: Philippine Red Cross Young Women’s Christian Association National Federation of Women’s Leagues CENTERS OF OPERATIONS: Hospitals Churches Convents
PHILIPPINE WAR RELIEF, INC. Origin: United States Created by: Americans Arrival in the Philippines: 1945, Landing at Leyte ROLES FOR PHIL. SOCIAL WELFARE: Provision of medical services Material relief displaced persons and prisoners-of-war
Other RELIEF AGENCIES: ERO: Emergency Relief Office ECA: Emergency Commission Administration PCAU: Philippine Civil Affairs Unit PRATRA: Phil. Relief and Trade Rehabilitation Administration UNRRA: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
LATE 1940’s
Re-opened in 1946 Lack of funds limited its operations Re-opened in 1946 Lack of funds limited its operations SOCIAL WELFARE COMMISSION Bureau of Public Welfare
Transition: Date: October 4, 1946 Under the Office of the President -signified that social welfare is now a responsibility of the state. SOCIAL WELFARE COMMISSION SERVICES ACTIVITIES
SERVICES: Child Welfare Work Probation and parole services Institutional care for various groups Public Assistance Relief Casework services Coordination and Supervision
Activities Welfare Home for Women and Girls Anti-Venereal Disease Drive DOH (Dep’t of Health) SWC (Social Welfare Commission) And BOL (Bureau of Labor) -Shelter -Medical care -Guidance -Vocational training -Employment (Public Assistance Department)
Socio-economic and political problems Pres. Elpidio Quirino Rural unrest due to a feudalistic tenancy system Armed forces vs. the protesters Better coordination of government services in the field LATE 1940’s PACSA: Philippine Action Committee on Social Amelioration PACSA: Philippine Action Committee on Social Amelioration
PACSA Health Education Welfare Public works Financing Philippine Action Committee on Social Amelioration
UNICEF: United Nations International Children’s fund -became active by created by the UN General Assembly Maternal and child health Feeding programs Medical care Health education Health equipment Health supplies Training opportunities for medical personnel
SWCPACSA SWA SOCIAL WELFARE ADMINISTRATION SOCIAL WELFARE COMMISSION Philippine Action Committee on Social Amelioration January 13, 1951
SWA SOCIAL WELFARE ADMINISTRATION Staff Development Service Acceptance of social work field practice students from social work schools in Manila Conducting of surveys and field studies Division of public assistance Division of rural welfare Child welfare division
Division of public assistance 1.Assistance: given to clients with needs and problems of a temporary nature: : given in the form of— food, financial, transportation and medical aid, institutional care and work relief 2.Service: rehabilitation service for the handicapped, service to squatters evicted from their homes, services to organizations of the handicapped, and administration and supervision of rehabilitation projects and workshops Child welfare division Casework Guidance services for homebound children Case studies antisocial and delinquent children Child protection Etc…
Division of rural welfare Land settlement for those afflicted of dissidence and disasters Welfare services for non-Christian tribal groups Self-help centers Community kitchens Cottage industries Distribution of land to the landless Construction of feeder roads Construction of artesian wells
Philippine Social Work Republic Act 4373: An Act to Regulate the Practice of Social Work and the Operation of Social Work Agencies in the Philippines Requirements: Degree holder of Bachelor of Science in Social Work 1000 hours of supervised field practice Passing of a government board exam for licensing and registration BOARD OF EXAMINERS (Board for Social Workers) administer its provisions accredit public and private organizations for social welfare work.
Social Welfare Administration Department of Social Welfare and Development 1968: Pres. Ferdinand Marcos R.A 5416 (Social Welfare Act) Social welfare became a NATIONAL POLICY. Philippine Social Work
Philippine Social Work Department of Social Welfare and Development a.Preventive and remedial service for individuals, families, and communities b.Protective remedial and developmental welfare services for children c.Vocational rehabilitation for the PWD, ex-convicts, and individuals with special needs d.Training, research and special projects Bureau of Family Welfare Bureau of Youth Welfare Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Bureau of Field Service Bureau of Training, Research and Special Projects Bureau of Training, Research and Special Projects
RECAP Bureau of Public Welfare (Japanese period) Social Welfare Commission (1946) Social Welfare Administration (1951) Department of Social Welfare and Development (1968)