SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG’S OBJECTIVES: Conducting/coordinating educational activities and scientific research to increase knowledge about causes and consequences of brain injury and disseminate evidence of treatment and prevention interventions Building alliances with regional, national and international societies to promote programs, activities and services for persons with brain injuries and their families Supporting and encouraging rehabilitation programs and other measure that are critically necessary to restoring persons with brain injury to optimal levels of functioning Promoting the removal of attitudinal, education and employment barriers that prevent persons with brain injury from excercising their rights for a full and active comunity partecipation
SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG LETTER TO ALL SIG CHAIRS “At the SIG chairs meeting in Istanbul, we also discussed the possibility of having trainees (interns) spending some time with another SIG to learn about new methods and approaches. The trainees would have to find their own funding. It would be helpful if each SIG could send a list of people willing to accept a trainee for a few days or weeks to help with this education programme. “ (B. Wilson, April 2014)
SIGS CLOSELY RELATED TO SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG: Clinical Pathways - Thomas Platz Communication Disorders - Apoorva Pauranik Cognitive Neurorehabilitation - Stephanie Clarke Developing World Forum - Dr Nirmal Surya Early Rehabilitation – Heinrich Binder Ethics in Neurorehabilitation, practical use and clinical trials - Franz Gerstenbrand Neurological Rehabilitation Clinical Trials - Julie Bernhardt Neurological Conditions and Driving – Carol Hawley Neurologic Music Therapy - Michael Thaut Neuropharmacology - Eduard Auff Neuropsychological Rehabilitation - Barbara Wilson/Robyn Tate Neurorehabilitation Service Development - Sabahat Asim Wasti Robotics - Hermano Igo Krebs Telerehabilitation - Paolo Tonin
SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG’S COLLABORATIONS Common proposal by the SIG Clinical Pathways (Thomas Platz ) and the SIG on Mild and Severe Brain Injury (Caterina Pistarini) for a pre-congress workshop “EVIDENCE-BASED CLINICAL PRACTICE IN NEUROREHABILITATION: WHAT, WHEN, WHY?” held at the WCNR 2016 Philadelphia, PA
SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG’S COLLABORATIONS Pre-congress Workshop Objectives: To portray the state of the art on management in neurorehabilitation and to make evidence-based practice recommendations Four topics are selected: disorders of consciousness, arm rehabilitation, rehabilitation of gait, and spasticity management Evidence-based practice guidelines based on a systematic review and critical appraisal of the literature will be portrayed in an interactive workshop format To provide open access publications of evidence-based recommendations for the four topics are planned along with the workshop
SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG’S COLLABORATIONS Pre-congress Workshop Details: Chairs’ introduction Part A "Management of disorders of consciousness (DOC)" (Caterina Pistarini) "Arm rehabilitation" (Thomas Platz) Part B "Rehabilitation of stance and gait" (Klaus-Martin Stephan, supported by Dominic Perennou [France]) "Management of spasticity" (Jörg Wissel, supported by Tony Ward[UK])
SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG’S COLLABORATIONS The intense workshop format will facilitate knowledge transfer, discussion among faculty and attendees, to: Identify public health, medical, neurological, neuropsychiatric, psycological, family and social consequences of brain injury Describe emerging findings from neurotrama and neurorehabilitation research Identify current and emerging technologies that may improve diagnosis and treatment processes Stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations Apply knowledge and clinical skills acquired through participation in symposia, workshops panel discussions, case studies,..
SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG’S COLLABORATIONS A round table discussion by members of the educational committee (Heinrich Binder, Jane Burridge, Volker Hömberg, Tatia Lee, Dominic Perennou, Caterina Pistarini, Thomas Platz) Within WFNR the educational activity is developed by Educational committee (EC) which has proposed a symposium at the WCNR2016 Objectives for the symposium: Provide information about the educational format “summer school neurorehabilitation” as a comprehensive NR educational program in a compact format. Provide an overview over up-to-date clinical evidence and clinical practice guidelines/recommendations for motor rehabilitation after stroke. Provide an overview about past and future flying faculty activities. Facilitate interaction, exchange and discussion on educational issues within the WFNR between attendees and the faculty (EC and secretary general).
SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG’S COLLABORATIONS Clinical Assessment Of Post-Coma Sleep Disorders Dr. Pistarini Caterina WFNR- IBIA Session San Francisco, CA – 20 March, 2014
Symposium: Research in Rehabilitation ISPRM – WFNR Joint Session Chair: Leonard Li, MD Development of clinical trial models Leonard Li, MD Translational Research in Physical Rehabilitation Medicine Caterina Pistarini, MD Rehabilitation of Cognitive Function: Impact of Cognitive Models and EBM Practice Stephanie Clarke, MD Research Skills in Rehabilitation on the ICF Concepts Alessandro Giustini, MD INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS of SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY SIG
9th ISPRM Congress - Berlin 2015 Joint ISPRM-WFNR session "Best Practice Models in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine" Introduction: “Why innovation and sustainability in NR?” Caterina Pistarini First lecture: “Towards sustainability in neurorehabilitation: what is the evidence” Stephanie Clarke Second lecture: “Innovation and efficacy in disability management in degenerative neurological diseases ” Thomas Muller Third lecture: “Innovation and efficacy in post-stroke disability management ” Leonard Li Fourth lecture: “Innovation and efficacy in SCI disability management” Jianan Li FUTURE INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS
22th Annual EMN Congress Pavia, Italy Organizer: Euroacademia Multidisciplinaria Neurotraumatologica President: Professor loan Stefan Florian, MD, PhD FUTURE INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS
Euroacademia Multidisciplinaria Neurotraumatologica (EMN) takes part in the Academia Multidisciplinaria Neurotraumatologica (AMN) or World Academy for Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology was established in Munich on May 19th, 2003 to close, interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary cooperation of neurosurgeons with rehabilitation well as with politicians, care providers and care givers in the challenging special field of Neurotraumatology beyond the geographic, cultural and socio-economic boarders in Europe. The aim was and will be to promote prehospital, acute medical, clinical care, rehabilitation and science in all aspects of Neurotraumatology all over the world, regardless the present sate of the social health care, political, and economic systems. FUTURE INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS
The purpose of the World AMN is the advancement in research, practical application and teaching: organization of international congresses including regional and national workshops and educational meetings in all fields of neurotraumatology cooperation with scientific academies, societies, associations and research institutions concerned with questions related to neurotraumatology in research, practical applications and education FUTURE INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS
Annual World AMN congresses 1st World AMN Brescia, Italy, March 29–30, nd World AMN Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 11–13, rd World AMN Nagoya, Japan, March 9–10, th AMN Copenhagen, Denmark, May 17–19, th AMN Dusseldorf, Germany, May, th AMN Brasilia, Brazil, 2008 FUTURE INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS
The Specialist Interest Groups linked to Neurotraumatology clinical and research fields, and in line with the objectives of EMN, are invited to collaborate in the organization of a International scientific congress through their participation/presentation of studies or projects Thus, to support the initiative above mentioned and facilitate communication between SIGs, I propose the realization of a common ad hoc mailing list that will be the basis for dissemination and comparison of opinions and planning of scientific collaboration SEVERE and MILD BRAIN INJURY – CONCLUSION AND PROSPECTIVES