Progressive Era Vocabulary
Conspicuous Consumption Spending money to show how wealthy you are.
Muckraker Journalist who uncovers wrongdoing in politics or business.
Sherman Anti- Trust Act Law passed by Congress in 1890 that outlawed any combination of companies that restrained interstate trade or commerce.
Support Labor Unions Progressive Era The period from about 1890 to 1920, during which a variety of reforms were enacted at local, state, and federal levels.
Meat Inspection Act Law requiring meat companies to be inspected for approval by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
Pure Food & Drug Act Law that required accurate labeling of ingredients, and strict sanitary conditions
Social Welfare Program Program designed to ensure a basic standard of living for all citizens.
Suffrage The right to vote.
Old Money A term used to describe families who have passed down their wealth for generations and generations.
The Jungle A novel written by Upton Sinclair that investigated the meatpacking industry. His findings turned the nation’s stomach.