Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff The TIR Program at Towson University- Four Years and Growing! Presenters: Ann Craig & Denise Pfaff
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff Towson University Background Public university and member of the Maryland state system Second largest university in the state Top producer of teachers in the state (200 elementary teachers per year)
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff In the Beginning: Problems with our Practicum Course Course not uniform from section to section Course not uniform from section to section Interns often observing instead of teaching Interns often observing instead of teaching When teaching, interns use traditional methods rather than inquiry-oriented methods When teaching, interns use traditional methods rather than inquiry-oriented methods Why? Lack of communication about course goals between instructors, mentor teachers, and interns AND lack of shared understanding of inquiry
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff GRANT WRITING Principal Investigators: Drs. Cody Sandifer & Laura Lising Drs. Cody Sandifer & Laura Lising Improving the Science Courses- Teaching Science in Elementary School, Physical Science I, Earth and Space Science Improving the Science Courses- Teaching Science in Elementary School, Physical Science I, Earth and Space Science Redesigning structure of elementary science internship course Redesigning structure of elementary science internship course Establishing clear course goals Establishing clear course goals Developing university and local school partnerships Developing university and local school partnerships Creation of core principles of inquiry Creation of core principles of inquiry Creation and distribution of an inquiry-focused teaching resources CD-rom for science internship course instructors Creation and distribution of an inquiry-focused teaching resources CD-rom for science internship course instructors
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff More uniformity from section to section (6-7 sections per semester) Help interns and part-time faculty develop a better understanding of inquiry-based science teaching Increase the amount and quality of inquiry in the interns ’ science lessons at the practicum school sites Project Goal Project Goal: To improve our elementary science field experience course
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff Goals for the Placement Course 1. Understanding and applying science-specific learning theory Children's thinking, ideas, and scientific discussion Science as a process of inquiry 2. Good science teaching: Inquiry-based instruction Having students reflect on experimental data and their everyday experiences in order to draw scientific conclusions Learning cycle and/or 5E lesson structure Role of the teacher: listener, facilitator, clarifier, Exposure to science standards: Local, state, and/or national
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff Cont. Goals for the Placement Course 4. Practice listening, eliciting, and responding to children's scientific reasoning, experience, and ideas As related to specific content units and in general 5. Self-reflection and improvement Trying different things in teaching Obtaining feedback from mentor teacher and 376 instructor Reflecting on feedback Modification of teaching during subsequent teaching sessions
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff TIR DUTIES TO AID GRANT FOCUS Teaching the elementary science internship course Teaching the elementary science internship course Helping pre-service interns understand and learn to teach inquiry-based science instruction using 5E lesson format: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate Helping pre-service interns understand and learn to teach inquiry-based science instruction using 5E lesson format: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate Reforming local science lessons to include more inquiry. Reforming local science lessons to include more inquiry. Using structured questioning and anticipated students’ responses to promote deeper thinking Using structured questioning and anticipated students’ responses to promote deeper thinking Using the 4 Core Principles of Inquiry developed by the PIs and 5E lesson planning Using the 4 Core Principles of Inquiry developed by the PIs and 5E lesson planning
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff Science Lesson Structure The core principles of inquiry are: 1. Figuring Out 2. Inquiry Question 3. Mentally Active Learning 4. Ideas and Good Reasoning/Making Sense
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff Other TIR Duties Observing other elementary science internship Instructors to give support and feedback Observing other elementary science internship Instructors to give support and feedback Administering Pre and Post Surveys to determine change in Interns thinking and instruction of Inquiry Based Science Administering Pre and Post Surveys to determine change in Interns thinking and instruction of Inquiry Based Science Teaching of Inquiry Based Science Instruction Teaching of Inquiry Based Science Instruction Gathering data by observing interns teaching using a modified version of the NSES Observation Instrument Gathering data by observing interns teaching using a modified version of the NSES Observation Instrument Summarizing Pre and Post Surveys Summarizing Pre and Post Surveys Summarizing NSES observation reports Summarizing NSES observation reports Adding content to Science Resource folder Adding content to Science Resource folder
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff Additional TIR Duties Participating in New Instructor workshops Participating in New Instructor workshops Participating in Mentor Teacher workshops Participating in Mentor Teacher workshops Finding and securing partnerships with local schools for Practicum Placement of Interns Finding and securing partnerships with local schools for Practicum Placement of Interns Participating in PhysTec and PTec Conferences Participating in PhysTec and PTec Conferences Reading, reflecting, and responding to Monthly Journals Reading, reflecting, and responding to Monthly Journals
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff EARLY FIELD EXPERIENCES SUCCESSES Our early teaching (field experience) course for elementary education majors was reformed through: Re-establishment of clear course goals The coordination of the course and school partnerships by the project faculty The creation of guiding principles of inquiry The teaching of certain course sections by the project faculty The creation and distribution of an inquiry-focused teaching resources CD-rom for course instructors teaching resources CD-rom teaching resources CD-rom Inquiry-focused instructor and mentor teacher workshops
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff EARLY FIELD EXPERIENCES SUCCESSES CONT. The teaching structure of the field experience course was successfully redesigned such that the ~13-20 interns in any given section of the course are spread across a small number of classrooms in a single school. During the allotted teaching time, the classroom is broken into four to six groups of elementary students, with each small group being led through an inquiry-based science activity by a single intern.
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff Internship Teaching Structure Our Internship Model: Multiple Interns Per Classroom Intern Students Our Internship Model: Multiple Interns Per Classroom
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff Project Successes: Practicum Course Course more uniform from section to section: Less observing, more teaching More inquiry-based science teaching at school sites Interns have greater appreciation for inquiry
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff TIRs for Towson’s Future Sustainability/Physics Department Buy-In Sustainability/Physics Department Buy-In The course reforms will continue as long as funding and personnel are available for workshops and any follow-up coordination and communication. The course reforms will continue as long as funding and personnel are available for workshops and any follow-up coordination and communication. Plans are being made to continue having a TIR on the Campus as a full time position. Plans are being made to continue having a TIR on the Campus as a full time position. Additional duties besides teaching one course of elementary science internship, will include: Additional duties besides teaching one course of elementary science internship, will include: 1. Serving on the University and College STEM Education committees 2. Helping to maintain and update the elementary science internship curriculum folder 3. Serving as liaison between Fischer College of Science and Math and Center of Education 4. Serving as informal consultant for proposed and in-progress elementary– level STEM education projects
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff List of TIRs by Years Lisa Tirrocchi Lisa Tirrocchi Beth Renwick – Beth Renwick – Corby Pine & Ann Craig Corby Pine & Ann Craig Ann Craig & Denise Pfaff Ann Craig & Denise Pfaff
Edmonton TIR Workshop July 2008 A. Craig & D. Pfaff TU Interns’ End of Semester Celebration