Governors’ Briefing May 2016 Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Introductions What school do you represent? Challenges facing your school?
Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education Items to Be Covered Changes Effective from the Summer Term Information on Ofsted CES Updates Building Fund Insurance Academies Diocesan Website Support for Governing Bodies
Changes Effective from Spring Term These changes have been taken from Timelines for schools: mandatory and useful information (DfE) timelines-information-for-schools Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
NEW 30 June 2016: submit key stage 1 and 2 teacher assessment data For 2016, schools must submit their key stage 1 and key stage 2 teacher assessment data by the end of June Changes Effective from Summer Term UPDATED Summer 2016: key stage 1 and 2 tests We will introduce key stage 1 and 2 tests based on the new national curriculum. Key stage 1 tests will cover: English reading English grammar punctuation and spelling maths The key stage 2 tests will cover the subjects listed above and science. Sample tests are available. These tests are optional for independent schools.Sample tests
Changes Effective from Summer Term NEW Female genital mutilation: new statutory guidance We have published new statutory multi-agency guidance and the consultation summary responses on female genital mutilation (FGM).new statutory multi-agency guidanceconsultation summary responses This guidance, which applies to schools as well as other services, came into force on 1 April Statutory guidance is issued by law; you must follow it unless there’s a good reason not to. NEW 15 June 2016: school census deadline The school census will provide a snapshot of your school as at 19 May You should contact your local authority to find out the deadline for submitting your school census data to them. Data must reach us no later than 15 June We use data from the census to determine how much funding you will receive. Guidance on submitting your school census return is available.submitting your school census return
Changes Effective from Summer Term NEW Governors: criminal records check deadlines From 1 April 2016, all local-authority-maintained school governing bodies must apply to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for an enhanced criminal records certificate for any newly appointed governor that does not have one. For governors appointed before 1 April 2016, you must apply for the certificate by 1 September Governing bodies must apply within 21 days of the governor’s appointment.Disclosure and Barring Service NEW Summer 2016: governance - new statutory guidance We will publish new statutory guidance explaining what information governing bodies must give us about their governors. The guidance will come into force on 1 September Statutory guidance is issued by law; you must follow it unless there’s a good reason not to. For academies this information will be in the revised Academies Financial Handbook
Changes Effective from Summer Term NEW ‘Schools causing concern’: updated guidance We have revised the guidance ‘Schools causing concern’, explaining how regional schools commissioners and local authorities will use new powers to improve underperforming schools.Schools causing concern The updated guidance explains how changes resulting from the Education and Adoption Act 2016, which will come into force on 18 April, affect schools
Ofsted Latest Newsletters newsletter-march-2016
CES UPDATES - GOVERNING BODY DBS FOR GOVERNORS There have been changes to the regulations regarding DBS for Governors. We would advise schools that initially they audit their current Governing Body as to which Governors currently hold DBS and make the usual checks to verify this. For any current Governors who have not got a DBS, the school should apply for DBS clearance by 31st August Any newly appointed Governors from April 1 st must have a DBS within 21 days of their appointment and we will revise our application process to reflect this.
CES UPDATES – ADMISSIONS We have received only a few draft admissions policies and would remind schools of the need to submit their admissions policies to the Diocese annually once they have been approved by Governors. Following a recent review of Admissions policies we have noticed the following: A number of schools do not have their admissions policy displayed on their website – the policy for admission 2017/18 should have been published by the 15 th March 2016 You should have been notified by if we were unable to find your policy. Looked After Children – There seems to be some confusion regarding the status of Looked After Children in the policy. In some admissions policies all Looked After Children are Category 1 – whereas schools can distinguish between Catholic Looked After Children and non-Catholic Looked After Children. I
CES UPDATES –ADMISSIONS In all admission policies Catholic children should be given preference to non- Catholic children. Whilst it is not possible to make changes to currently published admissions policies, these points should be noted for admissions policies for 2018/19.
Governor Recruitment List of Governors been sent to schools for checking Schools asked to return to Curial offices We will identify vacancies – inform you and then advertise them on our website as well as write to all parishes within the LPA asking then to advertise vacancies If a LA/Parent/Co-opted Governor wishes to become a foundation Governor – they cannot simply transfer – they must apply and be appointed The Clergy must be appointed unless they are ex-officio (very few are now after reconstitution)
Senior Appointments SENIOR APPOINTMENTS IN SCHOOL A reminder that for all Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher posts the Diocese must be involved in the appointment. Schools should also discuss any temporary or internal appointments with their Diocesan officer at senior level as well as R.E. Subject Leaders and Chaplains.
School Websites BEST PRACTICE FOR SCHOOL WEBSITES. The CES have recently produced guidance on school websites for the recruitment of Governors. Please follow the link below: tion/information-schools/documents tion/information-schools/documents
Buildings The buildings are the property of the trustees and as such all capital works must be approved by the Diocese, by referral to Richard Crawford. Richard will assess the scope of the works and if necessary engage the Diocesan building consultants Schools sometimes believe it is ‘best value’ to use a local firm. Foundation Governors are appointed to uphold the wishes of the Bishop and Trustees, and as such must follow these procedures. Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Building Fund The building fund was established to ensure that all schools are able to access Government funding for capital projects even if they cannot afford the 10% chargeable to VA schools, and have access to the services of the Diocesan surveyor The Building fund will pay the 10% for a school on any capital projects funded through LCVAP- and ensure high quality building advice to schools All schools are asked to make an annual contribution of £15 per students to ensure that there is a central fund to pay the 10% of all LCVAP projects Academies pay £5 per student to ensure the services of the Diocesan surveyor on all capital projects. Schools are encouraged to ask parents for voluntary contributions towards the school contribution and it is expected that the shortfall is made up from the school budget. Foundation Governors should ensure that schools have paid their Building Fund Contribution. The Diocese re-launched the building fund in the Spring Term Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Insurance Currently the vast majority of LAs cover insurance at 90% Schools must take out a policy for the other 10% to protect the Trustee’s assets. Some Local Authorities will offer 100% cover – and schools then see this as ‘better’ value and so do not understand why they must pay the trustee’s policy. Local authorities have no insurable interest in the 10% and so LA cover is most likely null and void for this element. As with all insurance, the detail of policy and what it covers varies immensely. The trustees must seek a level of cover that they believe is satisfactory and use, as do many other local dioceses, Catholic Church Insurance Association (CCIA) to provide that cover. Foundation Governors need to ensure that the CCIA policy is paid.. As of April 100% Insurance through the Diocese Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Education & Adoption Bill April 2016 Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Summary Strengthen the Secretary of State’s powers of intervention through the new Education and Adoption Bill. The main points related are as follows.: ‘Coasting schools’ will be eligible for intervention by the local authority and the Secretary of State. The definition of ‘coasting schools’ has yet to be decided. The Secretary of State will have the power to issue warning notices without going through the local authority. Schools will lose the ability to challenge warning notices by appealing to Ofsted. For all schools graded inadequate, the Secretary of State will be required to make an academy order. The Secretary of State’s power to make an academy order for schools eligible for intervention (eg coasting schools) remains discretionary. Where an academy order has been issued, the governing body and local authority must take ‘all reason steps’ to facilitate the conversion process.
Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education Important Documents Schools Causing Concern /file/510080/schools-causing-concern-guidance.pdf Definition of Coasting Schools underperforming-and-coasting-schools Memorandum of Understanding academies-memoranda-of-understanding Academies Financial Handbook handbook-2015
Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education Forced Conversion To An Academy 2 Academy Orders issued to schools on 18 th April who are currently in special measures Have already met with schools and LA rep LA and Governors are required by Law to take reasonable steps – and have been advised to do so A named DfE support person has been allocated to each school who will contact the school within 5 working days (today) – to arrange a meeting with COG, Headteacher, LA and the Diocese For these schools we need to buy as much time as is possible so that they can be re-inspected and come out of a category In previous discussions with DfE have been led to believe that we will be given time to develop our plan We will ask DfE to allow us to develop our Diocesan wide academy plan so as to place these schools in the most appropriate MAT for their long term future.
Consultation Process Timeline: 25 th May: Approval by Trustees 27 th May: Published on Diocesan Website (start of half term ?) 13 th June – 8 th July : Consultation Meetings 15 th July: Consultation closes July – August : Consultation responses collated considered and any changes to model made September: final model published and meeting with proposed MATS begin to discuss action plan in terms of schools converting.
Considerations Given We currently have 7 trust and we should utilise them fully We need to consider: Number of learners Cross phase provision Teaching schools Ofsted Grading Current Partnerships Geographical location
The Diocese of Shrewsbury Education Service MULTI ACADEMY TRUST Members Bishop Trustees Chair of LGBs Strategic Board of Directors Foundation Majority Representatives of Academies (Optional - Parent,Staff, Community, Co- opted Directors) Local GB Diocese of Shrewsbury Catholic MAT – Structure – Governance Arrangements – Directors/Trustees Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education Local GB School ASchool B School C School D
MULTI ACADEMY TRUST Members Bishop Trustees Chair of LGBs Strategic Board of Directors Foundation Majority Representatives of Academies (Optional - Parent,Staff, Community, Co- opted Directors) Local GB School A School B School C School D Finance and Resource Committee HR Committee Standards Committee Headteacher Committee
MULTI ACADEMY TRUST Members Strategic Board of Directors Cluster ACluster B Finance and Resource Committee HR Committee Standards Committee Headteacher Committee School 1 LG B School 2 LG B School 3 LG B School 4 LG B School 5 LG B School 6 LG B School 7 LG B School 8 LG B School 9 LG B School 10 LG B School 11 LG B School 12 LG B Cluster C
Executive Headteachers/ Chief Executive Officer Currently none of our MATs utilise the role of Executive Headteacher with a responsibility for all the schools within the MAT There is increasing pressure form DfE for MATs to have a person or person’s responsible for the schools within a MAT and accountable directly to the Board of Directors. This can be an Executive Headteacher, and Chief Executive Officer or a combination of both
Members Trust Board Board PMs Executive Headteacher Executive HT PMs heads of schools (and may be still substantive head of a fourth school) Small MAT with no school level governance e.g. smaller schools Head of School Pupil Achievement and Curriculum Resources (finance and staffing) Premises Examples of board committees Head of School
Members Trust Board Board PMs Executive Headteacher Executive HT PMs HTs with chair of school committee School Committee Small MAT with delegation e.g. with larger schools HT School Committee
Members Trust Board Board PMs Chief Executive and has MAT wide board committees Chief Executive PMs Exec HTs (and Finance / HR / Estates / H&S) Cluster Board Exec HT advises School Committees Cluster Board Exec HT advises School Committees School Ctte PMs HT School Ctte PMs HT School Ctte PMs HT School Ctte PMs HT School Ctte PMs HT School Ctte PMs HT School Ctte PMs HT HT Medium MAT: with delegation to school committees Role of Executive Heads?
Members Trust Board Board PMs Chief Executive Executive HT PMs HTs HT Medium or large MAT: mixed delegation (cross phase / earned autonomy) Advisory Body Chief Executive PMs Exec HTs (and maybe Finance / HR / Estates / H&S) HT Executive HT Advises School Committees on HT PM School Committee PMs HT School Committee PMs HT School Committee PMs HT
Diocesan Website Governors’ Page Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Diocesan Website Drop Down Menu Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Diocesan Website Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Diocesan Website Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Diocesan Website Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Diocesan Website Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Diocesan Website Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education
Training and support from the Diocese
Appointment of Governors
Governor Recruitment List of Governors been sent to schools for checking Schools asked to return to Curial offices We will identify vacancies – inform you and then advertise them on our website as well as write to all parishes within the LPA asking then to advertise vacancies If a LA/Parent/Co-opted Governor wishes to become a foundation Governor – they cannot simply transfer – they must apply and be appointed The Clergy must be appointed unless they are ex- officio (very few are now after reconstitution)