Welcome Back! September 2, 2015
Keisha & Daisy Kevin, Anna, and I on Anna’s 10th birthday! Luna & Berta
What's New in D5C Learning from The Sisters April D5 Refresher
Content Objective: Participants will identify, recognize and review Daily 5 and CAFE components and reflect on their own literacy instruction. Language Objective: Participants will read, write, and discuss key components of Daily 5 and CAFE to improve literacy instruction. Content & Language Objectives
Trust & Respect Community Choice Accountability Brain Research Transitions as Brain & Body Breaks 10 Steps to Independence D5/Cafe Review of Beliefs & Principles
10 Steps to Teaching and Learning Independence 1.Identify What is to be taught 2.Setting a purpose-create a sense of urgency 3.Record desired learning behaviors on I-chart Start with 2 Behaviors 1.Model most-desirable behaviors 2.Model least-desirable behaviors, then desirable 3.Place students around the room 4.Practice and build stamina 5.Stay out of the way-confer about behavior 6.Quiet signal-come back to the group 7.Group check-in - “How did it go?” Chunk 2 We Do Chunk 1 I Do Chunk 3 You Do
New for Steps to Independence #8: Teachers no longer need to stay out of the way as students practice building stamina. Take the opportunity to confer with the individual student about his/her behavior and set a behavior goal for Daily 5.
Follow your group and answer the questions around the room. When you hear the chime, move to the next poster.
I Charts I Charts are created with students to help teach expectations for independent Daily 5 behaviors. I Charts should be Teacher led with Student Input
●Graph the minutes of stamina for your class and display it. Stamina
Introducing D5C The first 26 days of school lesson (pgs Cafe book) All classrooms introduce Read to Self and a Cafe strategy the first day of school First 5-6 weeks of school: introduce 5s, build stamina (confer about behavior), and assess all students
The Structure Why 5-10 minutes? Brain Research shows the # of child’s age is the # of minutes a child can sustain higher level thinking. This means 7-10 minutes of direct instruction
● Take a minute to reflect on your teaching or lesson plans. Do the length of your whole-class and small-group lessons match the age of your students? ● What ideas for brain and body breaks might you integrate into your classroom routines to shorten your lessons? Timing of Focus Lessons
Build stamina in one 5 before introducing the next: K (5-6 minutes) First Grade (6-7 minutes) Second Grade (7-8 minutes) Third Grade (8-9 minutes) Fourth Grade (9-10 minutes) Fifth Grade (10-11 minutes) Introducing D5/ Cafe ★ Read to Self and Work on Writing are the first two choices to introduce.
Two Categories: Read to Self Work on Writing Word Work Read to Someone Listen to Reading Differentiating the Daily 5 Students must do the first two every day Students do for 10 minutes and then choose Read to Self or Work on Writing ●Lower grades: 3rd Choice has to be one of the remaining five. ●Upper grades have more minutes of stamina...so Word Work, Listen to Reading, and Read to Someone are only for 10 minutes. Then the students must go back to the first choice category.
Teach choice right away. Ask: Where are you going? It gets them in the habit of checking in to help them transition faster. Neurolinguistic researcher Michael Grinder, says when students verbalize their choice they are making a verbal contract in their mind which in turn helps them quickly begin their choice and take it more seriously. (thedailycafe.com) Check in sheets Choice
CAFE Menu includes behaviors: 6,5,4,3 Power Strategies
CAFE Menu C A F E (see CAFE Menu previous slide) ●These are the power strategies. Look careful at fluency, it could be an indicator that something else is going on (accuracy, etc.) ●Tip: copy ready reference guides: staple/bind for easy reference. Example of Ready Reference Guide for Flip the Sound Example of Ready Reference Guide for Flip the Sound
Brain Break!!!! Take 10 steps toward a friend and tell them your favorite summer memory. 2 minutes
Touch Points Touchpoints monitor teaching and document student learning. 1exceeds 2meets 3progressing 4concerned
Touchpoints, continued Grade performance is equivalent to report card grades 1,2,3,4 3 Teaching Attempts 1-2s - move to new strategy 3-4s - keep strategy but reevaluate and use different materials, change book and explicitly model, think aloud, and offer advice
●Now we no longer dictate everyone must read the same book, but we can give the same text (flexable). ●We still level books for teachers so we can provide students with Good Fit books. ●Chapter books are not the best use of time according to Allington. Organizing A Classroom Library
Instructional Planning for Strategy Groups Questions to ask yourself about each student: 1. What is student reading level, according to the DRA or a running record? 2. What strategies does student need to deepen his/her knowledge of reading? 3. How can I group this student with other students with similar needs? 4. How can I develop goals for my strategy groups?.
Students are independently reading and writing every day for over an hour in your classroom. How will you hold them accountable in reading? What about writing? Accountability
Ongoing Professional Development Please fill out the survey for future professional development and place it in my mailbox. ●Videotaping is at the top of the list of painful, challenging, humbling, nerve-wracking activities. It can also be one of the most powerful, insightful, thought- provoking things used to change, modify, grow, and improve teaching. ● Consider videotaping yourself, to discover what your current teaching reality is and then set a goal for improvement. ●Accept that no lesson is perfect, and dive in and learn. You could grab a colleague and do it together or ask your friendly I/C to join you in a coaching round for your professional development. :)
Content Objective: Participants will identify, recognize and review Daily 5 and CAFE components and reflect on their own literacy instruction. Language Objective: Participants will read, write, and discuss key components of Daily 5 and CAFE to improve literacy instruction. Content & Language Objectives