The State of Ohio is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider of ADA Services Using CDBG and HOME for Housing March 14, 2016 COSCDA Program Managers’ Training Conference
Community Housing Impact and Preservation Program Office of Community Development GOAESGHOMEARCCDBG HOPWA Homelessness & Supportive Housing Affordable Housing Community & Economic Development OHTFHMISCOC CHDO CHIP HDAP
Ohio Housing Universe Housing Units: Pre 1940: 443,000 Pre 1980: 1.4 million Population: 4.8 Million LMI Population: 1.6 million Non-entitlement communities
Non-Participating Jurisdictions
CHIP Program Purpose Helps communities preserve and improve the affordable single- family housing stock for low- and moderate- income Ohioans, strengthening Ohio neighborhoods.
CHIP Program History 1983: The Office started a CDBG-only Comprehensive Housing Program 1992: The Community Housing Improvement Program began with HOME and OHTF added 2002: Public facilities were no longer funded 2013: Major stakeholder-driven planning process resulted in a streamlined and rebranded program
Program Application Competitive Two year grant cycle All Non-entitlement\Non-PJ counties are eligible All Non-entitlement\Non-PJ cities with an LMI population greater than 25% are eligible. Must have an approved CHIP Policy & Procedure Manual Up to four eligible jurisdictions can form a partnership to implement the program.
PY 2015 Funding- $23.7M
Program Implementation Awards range from $200,000 to $1.6 million Single application for multiple funding sources PY 2014 –40 Lead Grantees –39 Partner Jurisdictions PY 2015 –38 Lead Grantees –25 Partner Jurisdictions Local programs designed to meet community needs
CHIP Program Geographic Coverage Program Years
Eligible Activities Owner and Rental Rehabilitation Assistance Owner and Rental Repair Assistance Homeownership Assistance –Down Payment Assistance and Rehabilitation –Down Payment Assistance only New home construction in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
Owner Rehabilitation Assistance Maximum Limit of Assistance: $46,000 per unit Owner rehabilitation: addresses homes’ mechanical systems and exterior and interior structural components Must meet the State of Ohio’s Residential Rehabilitation Standard HOME CDBG CHIP
Rental Rehabilitation Assistance Maximum Limit of Assistance: $46,000 per unit Must be occupied by LMI households Units can be owned by private investors or non-profit organizations Include an affordability period Must meet the State of Ohio’s Residential Rehabilitation Standard HOME CDBG CHIP
Owner Repair Assistance CDBG OHTF CHIP Maximum Limit of Assistance: $15,000 per unit Owner home repair: addresses specific problem(s) that adversely affect occupant health and safety and/or structural integrity Must meet the State of Ohio’s Residential Rehabilitation Standard
Rental Repair Assistance Maximum Limit of Assistance: $15,000 per unit Addresses specific problem(s) that adversely affect occupant health and safety and/or structural integrity Units can be owned by private investors or non-profit organizations; must agree to a two-year affordability period Must meet the State of Ohio’s Residential Rehabilitation Standard CDBG OHTF CHIP
Homeownership Assistance Maximum Limit of Assistance: $47,000 per unit to purchase and/or rehabilitate homes –subsidy to lower interest rate and/or principal amount –provide down payment, and/or –paying reasonable closing costs Down Payment Assistance only if rehabilitation required Rehabilitation work must be completed within six months of closing HOME CDBG CHIP
New Home Construction in Partnership with Habitat for Humanity Maximum Limit of Assistance: $22,000 per unit Financial subsidy provided to local Habitat for Humanity affiliate for an LMI partner family to purchase new home construction HOME CHIP
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Maximum Limit of Assistance: $9,000 per unit Limited to 60% AMI and below Assistance includes: –rental subsidies –security and utility deposits HOME CHIP
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance TBRA programs are modeled on the HUD’s Section 8 Voucher TBRA-subsidized units must meet HUD’s Housing Quality Standards HOME CHIP
Performance: Units Rehabbed: 9,200 Units Repaired: 15,100 Investment: $9,450 per unit
Administrative Challenges Use the same rules for activity type regardless of source High administrative burden –Residential rehab\repair programs are potentially more labor intensive than CDBG programs Individual homeowners and private contractors –Have a dispute resolution policy
Other HOME Uses Housing Development Assistance Program and the Ohio Housing Finance Agency: –Funded through HOME and OHTF –Multi-family Development and Preservation –CHDO set-aside –HOME match –LIHTC Deals
Contact Information Matthew Lamantia Assistant Deputy Chief Shana Garrett, Section Supervisor Residential Rehabilitation Section