The War at Home
The Economy Total War Economy: factories producing more goods then ever before produced goods worth $5.6 billion 1945 produced goods worth $11.8 billion
Increases in aluminum and paper production, Oil fields discovered in Alberta. Agriculture overtaken by manufacturing as the largest sector of the economy. Huge investments into economy meant a growth in many areas, and led to a massive wave of post war immigration. In the decade Canada became a modern industrial nation.
The Economy Many new jobs created in production, transportation, processing and service industries. Labor shortage Women mobilized to fill up the shortage
Women working in traditional male roles.
“Rosie the Riveter” became a nickname used to describe working women.
Economy Single women preferred as workers: limited family obligations, could work long hours. Many workers moved from rural areas to urban centers. Some companies built dormitories near the factories, and the govt. helped subsidized the food and rent.
Inflation Govt. worried that high wages and lack of goods would lead to inflation: “too much money, chasing too few goods.” Govt. encouraged people to buy war bonds- would decrease inflation, help finance the war. Inflation kept rising anyways so wage and price freeze brought in in 1941.
Economic Measures Income tax increased to help pay for war. Food rationing brought in in 1942 Canadians only allowed certain amount of food per week- more generous then UK or US rationing. Why would rationing of food be brought in?
Recycling programs brought in… not just for metal, nylon, silk, paper… but also bones and waste fats!
Civilians were encouraged not to waste oil and gas, as mechanized fighting with trucks, tanks, planes and ships meant the military needed all it could get.
Social Change How do you think that the labor shortage might have affected workers and union groups?
Social Change Although govt. tried to put in restrictions on workers’ right to strike during the war, some went on strike anyways. By 1944 the Fed. Govt. allowed workers the right to join unions, and forced employers to recognize unions chosen by their workers.
Social Change CCF party (social reform) increasingly popular- Formed the govt. in Sask. in King responded to the calls for social reform: Unemployment insurance Family Allowance program 1945