The War at Home Chapter 19 Section 3 Notes
Government Controls Economy War Industries Board –What? Fuel Administration –What? –Cool Idea? Railroad Administration –What?
Attacks on Civil Liberties War Hysteria Anti-Immigrant Hysteria –Americans with German Names lost jobs –German music wasn’t played –Books and language taken out of school –Changing food names
Espionage and Sedition Acts What were they? Were they legal? What did they do? Who they targeted –Socialists and labor leaders Eugene V. Debs, Bill Haywood (IWW)
African Americans and the War Did they support the War? –W.E.B. Du Bois: blacks should “Close Ranks” –William Trotter: blacks should not support a racist government. He wanted protest –For the most part blacks backed the war!
The Great Migration What was it? What caused it? –Escaping discrimination in the South –No work in the Cotton Fields –Job Opportunities in the North –Propaganda made the North seem great
Tensions in the North Were Whites in the North happy about this? What happened? –Basic discrimination –Race Riots
Women in the War Moved into new Jobs Volunteered in the Army Victory Gardens and Bonds Social Change –Women finally got the right to vote in 1920