DO Now 11/30 Do you believe it is disloyal or unpatriotic to voice opposition to government policies during wartime?
The War at Home
What were some things accomplished by the following wartime agencies and laws?
1. War Industries Board Mass Production Allocated Raw materials Increased production by 20% Psychological Testing
2. Railroad Administration Controlled the Nation’s Railroad Prioritized Shipping
3. Fuel Administration Regulated coal, gas, heating oil Rationed to help manufaturers
4. National War Labor Board 8 hr. day Ban on Child Labor Resolved Labor issues
5. Food Administration Rations Encouraged increased production by setting market prices high Victory gardens Herbert Hoover
6. Committee on Public Information Propaganda “Good vs. Evil” Made war popular
7. Espionage & Sedition Acts Censored war opponents Mailing restrictions Jail-time for leaders
What changes did the war bring about for the following groups of Americans?
8.Immigrants Jobs lost Mostly anti- German racism
9. African Americans Many felt war would fuel equality “Great Migration”
10. Women Job opportunities exploded Filled mainly male roles