PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY ‘As the white paper made clear, we believe that governing bodies should be the key strategic body in schools, responsible for the overall direction that a school takes. In that respect, governors are also therefore the key body for school improvement.’ Lord Hill, 2011 Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY The challenges in moving to academy status were linked to the motivations for becoming an academy. For sponsored academies, with the new freedoms and additional resources that accompanied academy status, came enormous pressure to achieve rapid improvement. Therefore, the subsequent challenges for leaders in these academies were of a strategic and operational nature, and included, for example, revisiting the vision and ethos of the school and realigning leadership structures. Each of these was directly linked to improving pupil outcomes. Academies: research into the leadership of sponsored and converting academies, NCSL Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY The findings suggest that independence and autonomy are key motivating factors in themselves for both sponsored and converting academies, but for different reasons. For example, financial autonomy and increased levels of funding were of particular importance for converting academies to enable them to achieve better value for money and better student outcomes, whereas the primary motivation for independence in sponsored academies was to use their independence to help raise standards rapidly Academies: research into the leadership of sponsored and converting academies, NCSL Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY A converter Academy from 1 st August Formerly a Voluntary Aided School. One form entry with a Business Manager and a history of support work as both LLE and NLE. Work with FASNA, NCSL and DFE to improve schools through freedom and autonomy. Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY Weighing up the options - Decision made to explore what this would mean – not all Governors in favour! - Strategy group of Governors formed, Chair of Govs, Chair of Finance, Chair of Standards, Vicar, Head Teacher - Decision to CONVERT made by full Governors spring 2011 – we agreed it had to be a unanimous vote or we would not proceed at that time. Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY The conversion process - DfE support - Find legal team you trust (shop around) - Service providers - Consultation - TUPE - Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) - Articles of Association - The Funding Agreement Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY The Aftermath - School Business Manager - Governance – Members/Directors/Trustees - Leadership Agility - Future developments Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ A group of Primary Heads and Governors recently met to discuss their experience of conversion, this is there top tips; 1. Look after your bursar 2. Be prepared to answer the same question many, many times 3. Everything is built on trust 4. Take very good legal advice 5. Establish your vision – how is academy status helping the vision 6. Take your time 7. Be open with your community 8. Listen and do not be judgemental 9. Think about your logo 10. Don’t underestimate the back fill that will be needed in the office 11. Do not be swayed 12. Think about your name 13. Don’t worry about the complexity – focus on the concept. 14. Convert for the right reasons Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY FASNA – Freedom and Autonomy for Schools National Association Annual subscription per school (Direct Debit) Secondary £250 + VAT, Primary and Special £100 + VAT To provide your School Team - Headteacher, Leadership Team, Business Manager, Governors, Clerk and Company Secretary - with the following opportunities and benefits: High quality professional development through our seminars, conferences and workshops covering admissions, appeals, exclusions, HR management, effective governance, clerk and company secretary responsibilities, at discounted rates. Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ FASNA (Freedom and Autonomy for Schools – National Association) and the National College are working in partnership to deploy a team of primary associate academies (PAAs) to: enable primary schools to make an informed choice about academy status, through a good understanding of: the decisions to be made pre-conversion the role and responsibilities of governors pre-, during and post conversion the potential impact on school organisation, especially with regard to the financial, HR and legal changes appropriate resources and support available the opportunities of greater autonomy inform and support primary colleagues going through the process of conversion enable primary schools to realise the benefits of greater freedom and autonomy Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ The National College will shortly launch an online resource for schools considering Academy Conversion. Please check the website for further details. Paul Smith - Principal
PARBOLD DOUGLAS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY Christo et Doctrinae ‘For Christ and learning’ Paul Smith Principal Jo Mercer School Business Manager Primary Academy Associate Paul Smith - Principal FASNA Membership Contact one of our team who will ensure your membership queries are answered. Telephone: