How Do We Teach Residents To Teach? University of Missouri Family and Community Medicine Peter Koopman, MD Betsy Garrett, MD, MSPH Amanda Swenson, MD STFM Annual Spring meeting Baltimore, MD May2, 2013
Our Workshop-Structure Day Hours Welcome and Opening Debrief- 20 minutes Organization and Planning- 20 minutes Observation- 65 minutes Break-15 minutes Assessment- 35 minutes Teaching- 45 minutes Eliciting 2 nd day Small Group Topics for Peer Consultation- 10 minutes
Our Workshop-Structure Day Hours Feedback- 75 minutes Break- 15 minutes Handling Problems- 45 minutes Evaluation- 25 minutes Small Group Peer Consultations- 20 minutes each x 2 Wrap Up- 10 minutes
Day 1-Welcome/Opening Debrief Think-Pair-Share on most influential teacher characteristics with debrief Self define roles as teachers Summary and timeline and e xpectations Discussion of PEP notebooks Introductions
Day 1- Organization And Planning PEP2 m odule 2 Preventative a pproach-plan a head Stresses f irst d ay/good beginnings Expectations c learly d efined Progressive l earning model Pearls for e ffective p recepting
Day 1- Observation PEP2 module 3 Small groups to list 7 most important learning objectives from differing perspectives-M3, intern, teacher of M3, teacher of interns Which objectives are best assessed from observation
Day 1- Observation Discussion of mechanics, benefits and barriers to observation Choose specifics to observe, human video camera, Sherlock Holmes Film vignette of attending/student interaction to observe and discuss
Day 1-Assesment PEP2 Module 4 Importance (Assess is to teach as diagnosis is to treat) Discussion of learning theories: Adult Learner The 4 box model Inverted U Stress Curve The Learning Vector
Day 1-Assesment Scripted role play of several precepting styles highlighting One Minute Preceptor-5 microskills model.
Day 1-Teaching PEP2 Module 5 Challenge and support Promote active learning Teacher’s roles and choices Self-reflection exercise including what they role model You can’t not teach, You can’t not role model
Day 1 Peer Group Topics Elicit consensus topics for peer consultation group discussions at end of day 2 “What are your biggest challenges as a teacher?”
Day 2-Feedback PEP 2 module 6 Their roles in giving and receiving feedback Johari Window 3 level model of feedback 3 role plays for entire group (Observer, Teacher, Learner)
Day 2- Handling Problems PEP2 Module 8 Teaches preventative approach Problem assessment and response algorithm (? knowledge,? skill, ?behavior)
Day 2-Evaluation PEP2 Module 7 Definition and role of evaluation Discuss specifics of MU evaluation system
Day 2-Peer Consultation Groups Topics elicited on day 1 grouped into 4 topic groups Participants chose two topic groups and had peer discussions for 20 minutes and reported out.
Day 2-Peer Consultation Groups Managing your teacher role. Dealing with many learners on inpatient team, Juggling different roles and responsibilities, Time management. Teaching Challenges Teaching a topic you are uncomfortable with, Maintaining patient trust with a student, Teaching in front of patient.
Day 2-Peer Consultation Groups Learner centered Teaching Dealing with a student with lack of interest, Encouraging questions from learner, Eliciting topics of interest from learner that are real to them. Difficult Teaching Situations Dealing with conflicts in information from different teachers, Providing feedback which is critical.
Contact Information Peter Koopman,MD: Betsy Garrett, MD: Amanda Swenson, MD: