Heather McConnell, RN, BScN, MA(Ed) Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (10 Minutes)
Objectives To introduce the key content elements of the Reducing Falls and Injury from Falls Getting Started Kit
Getting Started Kit….
Interventions to Reduce Falls and Injury from Falls Assess all patients/clients/residents: on admission, following change of status, following a fall and on a regular schedule RISK ASSESSMENT Communicate the risk assessment results to patient/client/resident, healthcare team and family Educate all staff on the prevention of falls and fall injuries Educate all patients/clients/residents and families about falls risk status and interventions COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION ABOUT FALLS RISK Patient/Client/Resident Level: Create an Individualized Care Plan Organizational Level: Develop Approaches for Regular Safety Checks Develop Policies for falls prevention/management, including responsibilities of all care providers Investigate contributing factors of all falls/near falls IMPLEMENT INTERVENTIONS FOR THOSE AT RISK OF FALLING Identify those who have fallen as high risk, implement interventions Modify the environment and provide personal protective devices CUSTOMIZATION OF INTERVENTIONS FOR THOSE AT HIGHEST RISK OF FALLS RELATED INJURY
Morse Fall Scale STRATIFY Risk Assessment Hendrich II Fall Risk Model Risk Assessment Assess all patients/clients/ residents: on admission, following change of status, following a fall and on a regular schedule RISK ASSESSMENT
Physical and Functional Status – Timed Up and Go – Berg Balance Scale – Tinetti Gait and Balance Instrument Cognitive Impairment Osteoporosis Hearing and visual acuity Malnutrition and dehydration – Mini Nutrition Assessment – SF Risk Screening Assess all patients/clients/ residents: on admission, following change of status, following a fall and on a regular schedule RISK ASSESSMENT
Communication and Education about Falls Risk Communicate the risk assessment results to patient/client/resident, healthcare team and family Educate all staff on the prevention of falls and fall injuries Educate all patients/clients/residents and families about falls risk status and interventions COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION ABOUT FALLS RISK
Implement Interventions for those at Risk for Falls Canadian Falls Prevention Curriculum Model Health Management Clothing and Footwear Activity Environment Equipment Education Behaviour Change IMPLEMENT INTERVENTIONS FOR THOSE AT RISK OF FALLING Patient/Client/Resident Level: Create an Individualized Care Plan Organizational Level: Develop Approaches for Regular Safety Checks Develop Policies for falls prevention/management, including responsibilities of all care providers Investigate contributing factors of all falls/near falls
Customization of Interventions for those at Highest Risk of Falls Related Injury Risk Factors for Falls Related Injury A – Age or frailty B – Bones C – Coagulation s – recent surgery Identify those who have fallen as high risk, implement interventions Modify the environment and provide personal protective devices CUSTOMIZATION OF INTERVENTIONS FOR THOSE AT HIGHEST RISK OF FALLS RELATED INJURY
Customization of Interventions for those at Highest Risk of Falls Related Injury Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis - Calcium and Vitamin D supplementation - Individualized exercise program that incorporates weight bearing activities Identify those who have fallen as high risk, implement interventions Modify the environment and provide personal protective devices CUSTOMIZATION OF INTERVENTIONS FOR THOSE AT HIGHEST RISK OF FALLS RELATED INJURY
…Getting Started Kit… Measurement – Technical Description & Tips for Collecting Data Educational Resources The Model for Improvement – Implementing Falls Intervention Strategies Framework for Spread