HTBN Batches These slides are intended as a starting point for further discussion of how eTime might be extended to allow easier processing of HTBN data for large numbers of Time Recorders who do not have access to eTime directly themselves. These slides outline a potential means of adding the following features to eTime: the ability to create and manage Tasks for mutiple HTBN Time Recorders & their Timesheets in one location without having to search for each Time Recorder & Timesheet individually; the ability to Submit multiple Pay Claims for multiple Time Recorders across multiple Timesheets in one action; the ability to Approve multiple Pay Claims for multiple Time Recorders across multiple Timesheets in one action. The features described here are intended to make use of and enhance the underlying workflow in eTime, extending the system to add the Batch features outlined above with minimal effort.
New “Batch” Menu Options for HTBN Level 1 Approvers Two new menu options, highlighted above, provide access to create or manage HTBN Batches. An HTBN Batch is a collection of Tasks associated with multiple Users across multiple Timesheets but managed by a Level 1 or Level 2 HTBN Approver from a single location in eTime.
Creating a new HTBN Batch Each new Batch would have as a minimum a unique auto-generated Batch ID and a user-friendly Title. Additional properties may be applied as determined by Stakeholders. For example, a Cost Centre may be added to allow security for the Batch to be controlled in a similar fashion to the security applied for Pay Claims.
New, Empty HTBN Batch Batch properties are shown in the standard eTime sub-header location. The Add Batch Task button allows Tasks to be added using a modified version of the create Task page. Multiple Tasks can be added for different HTBN Time Recorders without returning to the Batch screen.
Add a Batch Task Start and End Date and Time values can have default values to save time when creating a Task. The default values shown are for the purposes of illustration only (e.g. Start and End Dates use the start and end of the current month, but could use, for example, the month in which the Batch was created). When default values are acceptable, only Assignment, Task Type, Course Code and Hours need to be manually entered, as shown on the following slides.
Selecting Assignment and Task Type Enter part of the Assignment number to show matching options falling within the Approver’s Cost Centre access. Assignments for any Time Recorder that is available to the Approver via User Search will be available here. The Assignment auto-complete field shows the User Name and Assignment information – the information shown above is for illustration purposes. Appropriate data would be determined by Stakeholders. Enter part of the Task Type to show matching options.
Auto-Populated Finance Codes and Multiplier Selecting an Assignment automatically populates the Cost Centre, Account Code and Job Code with values applicable for the chosen Assignment. Auto-complete fields allow the Approver to easily select a different Cost Centre, Account Code and Job Code if required. Selecting a Task Type automatically populates the Multiplier field, which can then be overridden by the Approver if required.
Enter Course Code and Hours Course Code can be selected as for standard HTBN Tasks by entering all or part of the Course Code or Description and selecting from the popup list. When Course Code and Hours have been entered, the Batch Task can be saved. As we are accepting all of the default values, only four fields have been manually entered, three of them via auto-complete lists.
Auto-generated Timesheets for Batch Tasks Each Task that is added to a Batch is also associated with a Timesheet based on the Time Recorder associated with the HTBN Assignment and the Start and End Date. If an appropriate Timesheet does not exist for the Time Recorder, a new Timesheet is automatically created for the Task; subsequent Batch Tasks for the Time Recorder falling within the same calendar month are then added to the new Timesheet. As for standard HTBN Tasks, the Start and End Dates must fall within the same calendar month, although a Batch need not necessarily contain Tasks for a single calendar month.
Saved Batch Task The Saved Batch Task appears in View mode to confirm the details have been saved correctly (note that standard HTBN Task validation rules apply, for example mandatory field validation). The Approver may choose to Edit the Task again, return to the Batch, or add another Batch Task using the highlighted button above. Batch Tasks may be entered for multiple users without leaving the page.
Adding Another Batch Task Another Batch Task is added as shown above, this time for a different HTBN Time Recorder.
Viewing an HTBN Batch After adding the last Batch Task, click View Batch in the View Batch Task page to view the complete list of Batch Tasks. The Batch is also accessible via the Manage Batches menu option for Approvers. Tasks can be edited or deleted or the associated Timesheet for each Batch Task can be viewed as per standard eTime functionality for Tasks. The example Batch contains only Tasks for April. Stakeholders may decide that a Batch can hold Tasks for more than one calendar month as well as for multiple Time Recorders. There is no reason why a Batch may not contain Tasks crossing multiple Cost Centres, although Stakeholders would need to decide how access to HTBN Batches should be controlled.
Submitting an HTBN Batch Submitting an HTBN Batch Submits all Batch Tasks and generates the required Pay Claims using the same rules as the standard Submit Pay Claim feature in eTime. The Related Pay Claims button in the Submitted Batch example shown above provides access to a list of Pay Claims associated with the Batch Tasks, allowing Pay Claims to be reviewed individually. The Batch can be approved as a whole using the Approve Batch button, which Approves all associated Pay Claims at Level 1. A Level 2 HTBN Approver would then be able to Approve the Batch at Level 2. Tasks might be approved individually if required, using the Task level Approve and Reject icons shown in the above example. When all individual Tasks associated with a Pay Claim are approved, the Pay Claim is approved; when all Batch Tasks are approved, the Batch is approved. As per standard eTime functionality, any Batch Pay Claims which reach the Level 2 Approved status become available in the Payroll Extract.
Additional Notes The details of the Batch Submission and Approval process would need to be worked out by Stakeholders. Questions such as the following would need to be answered: Can Batches be partially Approved to allow part of the Batch to go to Payroll whilst other Tasks are delayed? Can individual Batch Tasks be rejected and what should happen to them? Should it be possible to manage Pay Claims individually, or should Approvers be obliged to manage Batch-related Pay Claims only through the associated Batch. These slides don’t cover the question of security for HTBN Batches. Pay Claims are secured at Level 5 Cost Centre therefore it is assumed that similar security would be required for HTBN Batches. The existing Pay Claim security could be used to determine access to Submitted Batches – i.e. Approvers with access to related Pay Claims would have access to the Batch. Alternatively, a Cost Centre could be selected on Batch creation to restrict the Batch directly – this would obviously then restrict the contents of the Batch to Time Recorders within that Cost Centre.