EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI NA2.3 – Strategic Planning and Policy Support Sergio Andreozzi EGI-InSPIRE NA2.3 Task Leader Strategy & Policy Manager NA2.3 - June 20131
EGI-InSPIRE RI Outline Objectives Partners Achievements of PY3 Plans for PY4 2 NA2.3 - June 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Objectives Support the EGI strategic planning Policy development –For the EGI community –To align with EU policy aims Establish and monitor collaborations 3 NA2.3 - June 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI TNA2.3 Partners, NL –Strategy and Policy Team (3FTE) STFC*, UK –Leading the Security Policy Group (19PM/4y) FOM*, NL –Liaison with EUGridPMA/IGTF (5PM/4y) * Activity reported in the context of SA1 4 NA2.3 - June 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Strategic Planning Demonstrating Excellent Science Evolving the EGI Governance Improving Strategic Metrics Improving Sustainability Plan Explore new business models Publishing the EGI Compendium Structuring the EGI Service Portfolio 5 NA2.3 - June 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI s Simulate, experiment, observe Manage the dataAnalyse the dataShare data Strategic Planning : Demonstrating Excellent Science NA2.3 - June Ideas Partners Proposal Writing Research Process Publications Research Communities Research/e- Infrastructures Research Lifecycle
EGI-InSPIRE RI Better scientific publications tracking (barriers) 1.Lack of a solid process for distributed communities accessing federated multi-domain infrastructures –Resource allocation performed at institutional/national level 2.Lack of tools to support the effective manual/automatic tracking of scientific publications to be linked to e- Infrastructures 3.Lack of awareness from researchers of what e- Infrastructure is being used –e.g.: access through dedicated science gateways hide underlying platform 7 NA2.3 - June 2013 Strategic Planning : Demonstrating Excellent Science
EGI-InSPIRE RI Better scientific publications tracking (actions) 1.Creating the tool (without reinventing the wheel) –Established a collaboration with OpenAIRE for extending their service to allow the manual/automatic tracking of scientific publications from distributed autonomous research communities linked to e-Infrastructures (to be rolled out in PY4) 2.Defined process –Change of User AUP to allow infrastructures to mandate use of acknowledgment statements in research outputs –Proposed process in the context of the Federated Resource Allocation to integrate the defined tool 3.Increase awareness –Through a dedicated communication campaign (PY4) 8 NA2.3 - June 2013 Strategic Planning : Demonstrating Excellent Science
EGI-InSPIRE RI Classifying Research Outputs by Scientific Discipline Problem –Many EGI tools map user-related information to scientific disciplines –A legacy simple classification was inherited by EGEE, while other richer classifications were adopted by tools developers –Inconsistent usage across tools make difficult to track impact by discipline and limit re-use of results Solution –Defined a new classification based on the Frascati Fields of Science (FOS) –Validated through survey to VOs and public comment period –Assessed cost for updating/aligning tools Implementation –Planned in PY4 for tools that have available effort (prioritisation to be confirmed) 9 NA2.3 - June 2013 Strategic Planning : Demonstrating Excellent Science
EGI-InSPIRE RI Improve Service Portfolio Management Problem: activities directly mapped to EGI-InSPIRE Global Tasks Rigid structure not directly linked to value proposition Difficult to market Solution: Defined a template for structuring a service portfolio Refactored Global tasks into Service Portfolio Defined initial solutions portfolio Plan for Y4: Transfer the experience to NGIs for a core NGI service portfolio Define the EGI Partnership Service Portfolio 10 NA2.3 - June 2013 Strategic Planning : Improve Business Modeling
EGI-InSPIRE RI Exploring direct charge to users (EGI Pay-for-Use) Opportunity –The emergence of commercial cloud providers is pushing the market towards on-demand, self-service, pay-as-you-go models –EGI is building a European federated cloud –EGI needs to explore direct charge to users as a possible new revenue stream Performed activities –Policy paper to explore possible models and actions –Pilot group for small-scale experiment to identify available/missing technical capabilities (collaboration with JRA1 and SA2) –Collaboration with e-FISCAL project to derive metrics for pricing models definition Work to be continued in PY4 11 NA2.3 - June 2013 Strategic Planning : Improve Business Modeling
EGI-InSPIRE RI Proposed a governance structure –Based on the ERIC legal framework –With a proposed Statute –Overarching e-Infrastructures –With better user representations –With a preliminary implementation plan Next steps –Discussing with other e-Infrastructures –Participating in e-IRG –Proposed networking session at ICT NA2.3 - June 2013 Deliverable D2.11 “ Transition Plan to ERIC” Strategic Planning : Evolving the EGI Governance
EGI-InSPIRE RI Implemented balanced scorecard –Updated metrics –Defined a metric data dictionary –Collected values for PY3 13 NA2.3 - June 2013 Strategic Planning : Improving Strategic Metrics Scorecard Data dictionary template
EGI-InSPIRE RI Refined and presented the EGI2020 Strategy Showcased the overall purpose and value of EGI for the ERA Added the new EGI service portfolio Performed cost analysis and prioritisation to support scenario planning Improved customer segments and mapping to EGI solutions Added PEST/SWOT analysis which shaped strategic decisions Assessed risks and mitigation plans for long-term planning Added scenarios for evolving EGI depending on the different funding/revenue levels that can be achieved 14 NA2.3 - June 2013 Strategic Planning : Improving Sustainability Plan
EGI-InSPIRE RI Body of information about NGIs/EIROs Authored first edition (data referring to 2011) Updated questionnaire for second edition and performed data collection for NA2.3 - June 2013 Strategic Planning : EGI Compendium 125 questions to describe: 1.Identity and Contact 2.Strategy 3.Governance 4.Funding and staffing of the NGI/EIRO e-infrastructure 5.Funding of the NGI/EIRO e- Infrastructure 6.Cost of the NGI/EIRO e- Infrastructure 7.Policy 8.Outreach and Publications 9.Services 10.Users 11.Infrastructure 12.Technology 125 questions to describe: 1.Identity and Contact 2.Strategy 3.Governance 4.Funding and staffing of the NGI/EIRO e-infrastructure 5.Funding of the NGI/EIRO e- Infrastructure 6.Cost of the NGI/EIRO e- Infrastructure 7.Policy 8.Outreach and Publications 9.Services 10.Users 11.Infrastructure 12.Technology
EGI-InSPIRE RI Policy Development: Align with EU Policy Makers Participation in EC Consultations –State of Play concerning ERA –DG Connect Stakeholder Survey –EC Survey on the right analysis for the best possible impact –Survey on the use of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Added EGI in the MERIL database ( Participation in project studies –Finalised contribution to ERINA+ (socio-economic impact assessment) –Collaborated with e-FISCAL for assessing cost of HTC/HPC in Europe 16 NA2.3 - June 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Terms of Reference (ToR) Common Process (PDP) Common Glossary (GCG) Terms of Reference (ToR) Common Process (PDP) Common Glossary (GCG) Policy Development: Supporting the EGI policy groups Technology TCB Accounting TF FedCloud TF Security SPG SCG Operations OMB OTAG Users UCB NA2.3 - June 2013 EGI Council Executive Board SVG/RAT CSIRT 17 Group meetings: 38 in PY3 (38 in PY2, 27 in PY1) Secretarial support - Approved: 6 pol., 6 proc.
EGI-InSPIRE RI Policy Development: Communicating Externally 18 NA2.3 - June 2013 Website Update policy group pages, Collaborating partner pages, Service/Solution Catalogue Wiki Updated EU2020 section, VT EGI Scientific Disciplines Classification, VT Scientific Publications Repository, VT Scientific Publications Repository Implementation Articles 8 blog posts, 4 Inspired newsletter articles, 2 e-IRG newsletter articles, 1 article in “International Innovation” (EuroFocus Ed.)
EGI-InSPIRE RI Policy Development: Communicating Externally 19 NA2.3 - June 2013 Website Update policy group pages, Collaborating partner pages, Service/Solution Catalogue Wiki Updated EU2020 section, VT EGI Scientific Disciplines Classification, VT Scientific Publications Repository, VT Scientific Publications Repository Implementation Articles 8 blog posts, 4 Inspired newsletter articles, 2 e-IRG newsletter articles, 1 article in “International Innovation” (EuroFocus Ed.)
EGI-InSPIRE RI Collaborations: (MoUs) MAPPER, GISELA, gSLM, e-ScienceTalk, DECIDE, CHAIN, EDGI, ScalaLife, SCI-BUS, SHIWA, SIENA, e-nventory, DANTE WLCG, WeNMR, HMRC, LSGC, VERCE* LoI with DARIAH/CLARIN Latin-America, South Africa, Ukraine, Asia- Pacific, OSG (US)* EMI, IGE, StratusLab, SAGA, UVACSE, PSNC Technology Providers Resource Providers OthersVRCs 20 NA2.3 - June 2013 Negotiate Execute Close Signed MoUs: +7 (PY1) +16 (PY2) +4 (PY3) Signed MoUs: +7 (PY1) +16 (PY2) +4 (PY3) * Active negotiation
EGI-InSPIRE RI Plans for Next Year Strategic Planning –Demonstrating Excellent Science: complete tool and adopt –EGI Compendium: author 2012 edition and plan data collection for 2013 –Strategic Metrics: updating the Balanced Scorecard Framework –Sustainability Plan: update and identify exploitation of EGI-InSPIRE results within Horizon 2020 –Service definition: expand process to NGIs so to create the EGI Partnership Service Portfolio –Contribute to the EGI Community and Technical Forums through sessions relating to EGI’s governance, strategy, policy, sustainability and business models Policy Development –EU2020: monitor the EGI contribution –Glossary: annual review –Managing the policy development process –Continue to deliver focused messages and increase social media presence Collaborations –Monitor the execution of the existing agreements –Establish new ones with key partners 21 NA2.3 - June 2013
EGI-InSPIRE RI Summary Strategic planning –Improved service & value definitions, cost analysis and prioritisation, scientific impact evaluation, strategic plans and execution –Preparing the community to be ready for Open Access in H2020 Policy Development –Strengthened the presence in EC policy activities –Supported the policy development for EGI Collaborations –Monitored the activities within existing partnerships –Expanded the network of strategic collaborations 22 NA2.3 - June 2013