Developing Transnational Synergies and Cooperation Within the MMWD Project Plenary Session 1st Regional Consultation – Trieste 27th March 2014
To support governments to address the consequences of demographic trends on SEE regions/cities the project engages in launching a Transnational Platform for Policy Dialogue and Cooperation to promote more effective regulations of migration flows across the SEE area. It is based on the identification of common challenges which are best addressed by transnational action, using the project’s scenarios. The project aims to pursue a comprehensive approach, involving key stakeholders in different countries and government structures at different administrative levels. The aim is to facilitate collaborative approaches to managing migration and its effects across the region, as well as providing practitioners with the necessary knowledge and opportunities to engage in concrete cooperation. Averall objective of the WP 7
Aims to find a common and shared approach on the demographic flows in SEE area to promote the adoption of more effective regulations of the migration flows in SEE area HOW by launching and testing a transnational platform for the cooperation and policy dialogue
Phases of the Workpackage 1- Developing transnational synergies and cooperation: Identification of SEE-relevant networks and policy dialogue initiatives on migration management; 2 - Establishing and defining the agenda of the SEE Platform for Transnational Policy Dialogue and cooperation Regional consultations organized in the framework of the SEE platform aimed to lay a concrete bases for transnational cooperation agreements and initiatives
1. Activity 1/11/2012 – 15/05/2013 Questionnaire developed to map Policies and stakeholders within the streams Labour, Migration, Social and Human Capital and 4 Governance Levels: Regulation, Planning, Implementation, Service providing Institutional Partners filled in the Qestionnaires with Policy Elements and main stakeholders to be considered for the following steps of the Activity Additional Desk Work to complete the Data Outputs: Policy Matrix Contact Database
2. Activity 01/05/ /12/2013 To identify needs, projects, good practices, opionions, weak aspects by the selected decision makers/stakeholders (on planning and implementation level) 2nd step questionnaire Partners collected up to 12 interviews and/or summaries with inputs on topics and issues to be included in the agenda Interviews
3. Dynamic Agenda fine tuning List of priority issues Partners Summaries Stakeholders Interviews Europe 2020 Strategy ERDF priorities Concrete proposal s
3. Activity 3 Regional Consultations WelfareLabour Human Capital Policy scenarios Migration profiles
Regional Consultations Trieste MarchBelgrade JuneTrieste September
Thank you for your attention Eva Sinkovic