Focus of Supervision in Each Research Process Gandes Retno Rahayu Medical Faculty Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia
1.Choice of Subject 2.Formulating Problem 3.Establishing and Developing Research 4.Reporting 5.Assessment 6.Publication
1. Choice of Subject Expectation/Ambition Prior Knowledge (content, methodology, skills)
2. Formulating Problem F I N E R F Feasible I Interesting N Novel E Ethical R Relevant
3. Establishing & Developing Research Selection and interpretation of appropriate literatures Research methodology Data analysis
4. Reporting Converting ideas and results into written text Distinguishing main and supporting findings Integrating various results Building arguments based on available data/evidences
5. Asessment Awareness of the assessment criteria What could be improved in the thesis to fulfill or reach the assessment criteria
6. Publication How to show the “pearl” and provide rational argument for the weaknesses/limitation Choosing appropriate journal Writing according targeted journal style