By: Arjun Vachhani
What is Cybercrime What is Cybercrime Law Cybercrime in Our Lives Case 1: Albert Gonzalez Case 2:Phishers Statistics FBI Cybercrime Unit FBI Cybercrime Safety
What is Cybercrime? What is the Law against Cybercrime? Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Identity Theft Enforcement and Restitution Act
Cybercrime is a social norm. Types of cybercrime Bank fraud/ Identity Theft Pirating or Copyright Phishing Scams
Albert Gonzalez was caught stealing approximately 130 million credit/debit card numbers. 20 years, the harshest punishment for a computer crime.
What is a phishing scam? Sites ask for login information 100 phishers charged in cybercrime case. 53 from the U.S. and 47 overseas F.B.I. say thousands of victims are “used” for bank fraud each year.
Norton Cyber Crime Report for 2011 431 million victims 114 billion dollars Second Annual Cost of Cyber Crime Study, Poneman Institute Median increased by 56% $6 million per year Based on 50 U.S. businesses
Checks records Constant credit check Investment check
Safety Recommendations Keep your Firewall turned on Install Antivirus software Install Antispyware Keep system up to date Careful Download Turn your computer off
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