Tropical Plants 7 Created Summer 2008 Araucaria-Epipremnum
PRONUNCIATION ah-raw-KAIR-ee-uh het - er - oh - FIL - uh
COMMON NAME Norfolk Island Pine
DESCRIPTION Leaf is a needle, but the plant is not really a pine even though it produces cones Small tree Horizontal Whorled branching with short needles
Water Keep Evenly moist Severe drying will kill needles and branches
Fertilizer Feed year round with all purpose or foliage fertilizer
Light High
Size and Growth Rate Grows slowly Height controlled by container size
Propagation Sow seeds any time Terminal Shoot may be rooted Air layering
Additional Information Will not tolerate hot, dry drafts
PRONUNCIATION As - PAIR - ah - gus den - sih - FLOOR - us SPRENG - ger - eye
COMMON NAME Aspargus Fern
Connecting the Scientific Name with the Common Name (the Mrs. A Way) Sprengeri and Sprengeri Remember that the cv. in the scientific name means Cultivar (this is a test question)
DESCRIPTION Leaves are needles and occur all around the stem Stem has thorns when mature Spiny, Deeply arching stems are covered with bright green 1” needles
Water Keep soil moist Allow for good drainage Do not allow to dry out severely
Fertilizer Feed all-purpose fertilizer year round
Light High
Size and Growth Rate Vigorous Fast-growing plant with 18-24” stems
Propagation Sow seeds Divide established plant
Additional Information Will bear tiny white flowers Followed by green berries which turned red Hanging baskets and mixed pots
PRONUNCIATION klor - OH - fie - tum koe - MOE - sum
COMMON NAME Spider Plant Airplane Plant
Connecting the Scientific Name with the Common Name (the Mrs. A Way) Chlorophytum bite ’em because spiders bite you
DESCRIPTION Arching leaves and flower stems Stolons support flowers and plantlets Green leaves with yellow or white stripes
Water Water freely from spring to fall Reduce in winter
Fertilizer Feed every other week
Light High
Size and Growth Rate Can grow to about 3’ tall Stems up to 5’ long Moderate growth
Propagation Remove plantlets Rooted side shorts as they form Seeds
Additional Information Perfect in hanging baskets Easy to maintain
PRONUNCIATION dee - fen -BACH- ee -ah
Connecting the Scientific Name with the Common Name (the Mrs. A Way) You are Dumb if you eat this plant because you could Die
DESCRIPTION Leaves are dark green with spots of grey-silver on them Evergreen featuring a single, thick trunk when young Maturing to multiple trunks with a palm like appearance
DESCRIPTION Arching, oblong, pointed leaves 10”-12” long, spiral around the trunk
Water Water thoroughly but allow to dry between waterings
Fertilizer Fertilize all year More heavily in summer
Light Medium
Size and Growth Rate Moderate growing to 24”
Propagation Stem cuttings or air layering
Additional Information Juices can temporarily paralyze vocal cords Throat may swell shut as well
PRONUNCIATION e - pi - PREM - num OW - ree - um
COMMON NAME Golden Pothos
Connecting the Scientific Name with the Common Name (the Mrs. A Way) You can put pepper in a pot AU is the periodic table symbol for gold
DESCRIPTION A fleshy vine climbing by rootlets The leaves are heart shaped on 3” petioles Leaves are waxy dark green with yellow or creamy white variegation
DESCRIPTION Stems are rougher than the philodendron (you will learn this plant next week)
Water Water when soil dries out to touch
Fertilizer Fertilize lightly throughout growing season
Light High
Size and Growth Rate Moderate growth rate
Propagation Take stem cutting at any time
Additional Information Used as vining ground cover in interiorscapes Cascading accent plant Hanging Basket