Synthetic Marijuana Shiri Lindsey and Kayleigh Catalanatto
What’s it really called?
Synthetic Cannabinoids Methods of administration: Smoked alone in a joint A pipe A bong Rolled with tobacco or natural Marijuana Baked into brownies Made in tea
History Synthetic Marijuana was easy to buy before 2010 Since 2010, it is illegal to sell, buy, or possess in 38 states “Not for human consumption” 11.4% of 12 th graders used synthetic Marijuana in 2011 the poison control Center
Short Term Effects Desirable effects Psychosis is an undesirable side effect. Less severe More severe Effects can be unpredictable and severe even life threatening
Long Term Effects Increased blood pressure (hypertension) Reduced blood supply to the heart Lack of Appetite Kidney damage Seizures Death…
Long Term Effects
Addiction potential High potential for abuse Highly addictive compared to heroin, crack and pain killers
Who is most likely to abuse this drug? High school seniors Teenage boys 11,406 er visits associated with Synthetic mj: 75% were adolescents and young adults 22.5% involved females 77.5% involved males
Symptoms of overdose Altered mental status Tachycardia loss of consciousness common Effects extreme effects of overdose
Treatment of overdose Mild/Moderate: Treatment consist of supportive care. Severe: treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Seizures: Treatment is supportive and symptomatic
Treatment of overdose Tachycardia: usually responds to benzodiazepine sedation. Chest Pain: Myocardial infarction has been reported in abusing THC homologs.
References Cannabicyclohexanol - National Library of Medicine HSDB Database. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dempsey, J. (2016, March 13). Synthetic Weed, Why It’s A Problem. Retrieved from DrugFacts: Synthetic Cannabinoids | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (2015, November). Retrieved from Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group - Acute Intoxication Caused by a Synthetic Cannabinoid in Two Adolescents. (n.d.). Retrieved from Side Effects of Spice Use. (n.d.). Retrieved from spice-use/ Synthetic drugs. (2012, February). Retrieved from Synthetic_drugs_fact_sheet_455_2_15_12.pdf Synthetic Marijuana (Cannabis) Spice / K2 - (2015, August 16). Retrieved from Synthetic-marijuana.html Synthetic Marijuana Lands Thousands of Young People in the ER, Especially Young Males | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (n.d.). Retrieved from lands-thousands-young-people-in-er-especially-young-males