1 STRENGTHENING FAMILIES PROGRAM What Can the Statewide Collaboration Do for You? 2007 Prevention Summit Linda Becker, DASA Louise Parker, WSU Extension Brian McCrady, Cowlitz Substance Abuse Coalition Heidi Dodd, DASA Panel of Experts: Edie Borgman, Glenna Younkin, Alan Zeuge, Heidi Dodd, Brian McCrady, Renee Hunter, Romero Gomez November 16, 2007
3 WSU Extension “I thought extension agents taught folks how to grow big pumpkins…” ~ Linda Becker
4 Chelan County: 32 Facilitators, 6 programs
6 Publications
8 Instruments
9 It’s easy to get your evaluation instruments
11 Instruments Technical Assistance
14 Research Instruments Technical Assistance The Blog
16 Graduation Night
17 Evaluation Instruments Technical Assistance Results!
19 Iowa 98% White All 6 th Graders Race | Ethnicity Other 5% n = 133 White Non-Hispanic 51% n = 1,450 Latino 15% n = 431 American Indian 5% n = 158 Unknown 24% n = 687 Washington State SFP Participants YOUTHADULT White 44%56% Latino 49%51% American Indian 49%51% Other 66%34% Unknown 63%37% TOTAL = 2,859 participants Washington 51% White Ages 6-17 Race | Ethnicity
20 Percent Change Washington State Parent outcomes: Pre to Post PrePostPrePostPrePostPrePost
21 Parent Outcomes by Ethnicity Washington State From Pre to Post: PrePostPrePostPrePost
22 SFP Participants Compared to State SFP 13 to 15 year olds Washington 8 th graders