Colombia is the only country to border the Caribbean Sea.
A) The Land Borders Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean (only one) About ¾ the size of Alaska
1) Colombia’s Landforms Narrow line of coastal lowlands. Large plantations along Caribbean Sea. In the west, thick forests cover the Pacific Lowlands. Andes mts., run through the center. Major river is Magdalena(empties into the Caribbean sea)
Andes mountains in Colombia.
Colombia’s Landforms Con’t. Most cities lie in valleys of mountainous areas. Vast plains cover 60% of Colombia (SE) Tropical Rainforest exists (toucans, parrots, and parakeets are found) Very hot and steamy. In NE you find hot grasslands called llanos (vocab word)
Pictures of different areas of Colombia.
2) The Climate High altitudes of Andes, it is very cool or cold for a tropical area. Temperatures between degrees for the year.
B) The Economy Ranks as 2 nd largest supplier of bananas in Latin America. Most people work as farmers, factory workers, or miners. Factories produce cars, machinery, clothing and food products. Rich minerals (coal, iron ore, petroleum, and natural gas) Produces 90% of the world’s emeralds.
A picture of an Emerald.
1) Agriculture Coffee is country’s major cash crop (vocab word) Exports coffee, cotton, tobacco, and cut flowers. Huge herds of cattle. Rainforest produces lumber (very important)
C) The People 44.2 million people Almost everybody speaks Spanish. Roman Catholic is the main religion.
1) Independence Gained independence in Simon Bolivar helped gain independence Since 1950 Colombia has had a stable democratic gov’t.
2) Growth of Cities Rapidly growing urban population. Campesinos (vocab word)
Chapter 9 Section 2 Peru and Ecuador
A) Peru 3 rd largest country in area (SA) Peru (Native American word) which means “land of abundance.” Has lots of mineral resources.
1) Land Dry deserts, snowtopped mountains, hot and humid rainforests. Cold Peru current in Pacific Ocean keeps temperatures fairly mild. Andes mountains go through the center of Peru.
Large plateau (altiplano) (vocab word) is in the southern region. On Altiplano you see Lake Titicaca. Eastern region has low foothills and flat plains. Thick rainforests cover the plains area, also where Amazon River begins.
2) Economy Major economic activity is farming. Coffee, cotton, and sugarcane are major export crops. World’s leading producers of copper, lead, silver, and zinc. These minerals come from mines in the Andean Highlands.
3) The People In 1400’s the Inca had a powerful civilization. In 1530 the Spaniards defeated the Inca making Peru a Spanish Territory. Gained independence from Spain in million people, most live in cities and towns. Lima is the largest and the capital city of Peru (7million) Has the largest Native American population in the Western Hemisphere.
B) ECUADOR One of the smallest countries in South America. Ecuador is the Spanish word for equator. The equator runs right through Ecuador.
A Joke about M fans A Michigan fan was sitting at a table reading the Newspaper, The headline read: "12 Brazilian Soldiers Killed." He shook his head at the sad news, then turned to the man sitting next to him and asked, "How many is a Brazilian?" GO BUCKEYES
1) Land and Economy Along Pacific Coast (swamps, deserts, and fertile plains) Andes run through the center of the country. 50% of people live in valleys and plateaus of Andes. Capital city is (Quito) which is 9,000 feet above sea level. Thick rainforests cover the eastern side.
Most important economic activity is farming. Bananas, cacao, sugarcane all grow in the coastal lowlands. Port city (Guayaquil) is very important. Andean Highlands grow coffee, beans, corn, potatoes, and wheat. Major mineral export is petroleum
2) The People 12.2 million people Most are Native American or mestizo ancestry. 61% live in Urban areas.
Chapter 9 Section 3 Bolivia and Chile
A) Bolivia Is landlocked, near the center of the continent. The Andes mountains dominates Bolivia’s landscape. People work hard to farm and extract minerals from the earth.
1) Land and Climate Bolivia has mountains, lowland plains, and tropical rainforests. Western Bolivia has altiplano surrounded by the Andes (cool climate) Few trees and land too dry to farm on. South central has gentle sloping hills and broad valleys.
Continued South central has gentle sloping hills and broad valleys. Farms are more common in this area. Northern & Eastern has a vast lowland plain. Tropical forests, grasslands, and swamps are in this plain.
2) The Economy Relies partly on (farming) Farmers struggle to grow corn, potatoes, wheat, and quinoa. Raise cattle for beef and llamas for wool. Rich in minerals (Tin, copper, lead) Get these minerals from mines in the Andes. One of the world’s leading producers in tin.
3) The People Bolivia has two capital cities. 1) La Paz-Highest capital in the world (12000 feet above sea level) 2) Sucre 8 million people and most live in the Andean highlands European and North American customs in the cities. People that live in the country are Native Americans.
B) Chile Long and narrow country along the Pacific Ocean. Only 100 miles in width.
1) Land and Climate Many types of landforms. North- Lies the Attacama Desert (very dry) East- The Andes run along border with Argentina Central- Called Central Valley (fertile soil and mild climate) Most people live here. South- Very stormy region, has snowtipped volcanoes, thick forests and huge glaciers. Far South- The Strait of Magellan
2) The Economy Fastest growing economy in Latin America. Copper is country’s most important resource and major export. Chile is world’s leader in copper producer Also mines gold, silver, iron ore, and sodium nitrate. Agriculture and Manufacturing are also important.
3) The People 15 million people 75% are mestizos 20% are of European Ancestry Speak Spanish Roman Catholic 85% of people live in urban areas. Santiago is the capital city.