September 8, 2009 Scope of Group 6 tenure track faculty members (5 ECE, 1 AOE) 2 research professors 4 postocdoral researchers PhD students Became an official COE Center, September 2007 Expertise in space-based, ground-based, theoretical/computational space science/engineering. Development of graduate and advanced undergraduate offerings in space science/engineering over the past 2 years. Research expenditures of -> $3M annually with sources primarily NSF, NASA, DoD.
September 8, 2009 Sounding Rockets University Class Satellites Small Explorer Satellites Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Satellite NASA Small Explorer in second year of observations S. M. Bailey Deputy PI, $1M to Virginia Tech peer reviewed publications and counting PolarNOx Sounding Rocket: Brief space based observation Test bed for HPAC technology S. M. Bailey PI, $1.4M Experiment built at Va Tech Joint with U. Colorado Planned launch in January 2011 Space Based Observations HPAC Proposal NASA Small Explorer S. M. Bailey PI, $105M Well received in 2008, will repropose at first opportunity
September 8, 2009 Virginia Tech SuperDARN HF radar group Relocated from JHU/APL to VT in 2008 Senior Staff: Mike Ruohoniemi Jo Baker Ray Greenwald (Research faculty) Lasse Clausen(Post-doc from Leicester University [UK]) Students:2 Ph.D.(Nathaniel Frissell, Yin Yan) 3 M.Sc.(Kevin Sterne, A J Riberio, Nitya Ravindran) Primary research activities: PI Institution for the NSF SuperDARN Upper Atmosphere Facility ($2.35/$3.7M) - renewal just awarded for a 5 year term as a Collaborative grant - VT is the lead collaborative institution with a partner at JHU/APL PI institution for a NSF Mid-Sized Infrastructure (MSI) grant ($2M/$6M) - 4 year term ( ) - VT is the lead collaborative institution with partners at Dartmouth College, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and JHU/APL - building a mid-latitude array of SuperDARN radars (8)
September 8, 2009 Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) Northern hemisphere: 14 radars Southern hemisphere: 8 radars
September 8, 2009 FHSU – 2009 Hays, KS OSU – 2010 Corvallis, OR 2011 Aleutian Islands, AK 2012 Azore Islands, Portugal MSI SuperDARN
September 8, 2009 Space Weather Research in the Antarctic Recent NSF MRI and Polar Programs Projects ($2M) to build a chain of space weather observing stations in Antarctica.
September 8, 2009 Modeling of Active Space Experiments 1. Modeling of space plasma turbulence due to chemical releases in space for controlling space weather processes. (ONR, DARPA) 2. Modeling of artificial heating of natural dust layers in the near earth environment for diagnostic purposes. (NSF) 3. Modeling of creation, evolution and associated plasma turbulence of artificial dust layers in the near earth environment. (ONR, DARPA) The current effort utilizes a broad spectrum of advanced computational methods and high performance computing. Work lead by W.A. Scales with 4 PhD students currently (~ 1M in total funding). The work is becoming increasingly of a classified nature.