Literary Analysis Character
Definitions to know: Literary analysis Character Main character Minor character Character traits Character motives Characterization
Literary analysis Literary analysis simply means analyzing literature. Analysis means breaking anything complex into its smaller, simpler parts. The smaller, simpler parts of a complete literary analysis are plot, setting, theme and character
Character A character is a person or a creature in a story.
Main character The main characters are the characters who are most important to the story – the characters the story is really about. Often the main character changes in some way during the story.
Protagonist A central, or main, character Person on whom action centers Character who attempts to accomplish something Usually seen as a good person or hero/heroine Usually round and dynamic
Antagonist Character or force that holds the action back Character who wants something in opposition to the protagonist Usually seen as a bad person/force or villain
Minor character A minor character is one who is not central to the story, but who helps the story move along. A minor character usually does not change during the story.
Foil A secondary or minor character Character who is a contrast or opposite to the protagonist Character who emphasizes or highlights the traits of the protagonist
Stereotype, stock, and archetype character Character that is instantly recognizable because of the stereotype or characteristics archetypes-2/ archetypes-2/
Round or Flat A round character is well developed Has many traits, both good and bad Realistic and life-like Most major characters are round A round character can easily surprise us in a convincing way. A flat character is not well developed Does not have many traits Easily defined in a single sentence Sometimes is stereotyped Most minor characters are flat
Dynamic or Static Undergoes an important change Comes to some sort of realization that permanently changes the character A change occurs within the character because of the events of the story The protagonist is usually dynamic, but not always Remains the same through the story Although something may happen to the character, it does not cause the character to change Minor characters are usually static
Character traits Character traits are parts of a character’s personality – such as bravery, loyalty, smartness, kindness, or honesty. The traits, or qualities, are not emotions or feelings, nor are they descriptions.
Character motivation A motive is a strong feeling, want, need or desire. The reason why a character acts, thinks, or feels a certain way is called motivation. Example: hunger might be a motive for stealing food or stealing money to buy food. Character motivation and reaction move the plot along
Characterization Characterization is how writers help you get to know the characters in a story. There are four main methods writers use to help us get to know characters:
Characterization continued… 1. Dialogue (what a character says and how he/she says it) 2. Telling through another character’s comments or description 3. Showing through the character’s actions 4. Telling through direct description (the writer’s direct statements)
Review: What is analysis? What is the definition of character? What is the difference between a main character and a minor character? What are the various types of characters? What are motives? What is character trait, and how is it different from physical description? What is characterization? What are the four ways an author describes a character for a reader?