C HARACTER T RAITS Character Traits= One word adjectives that describe a person’s personality and actions - Character Traits should be powerful words!
C HARACTERIZATION Characterization- The description of a character as a whole. - When examining characterization, we talk about the character traits that are possessed as well as the following.
C HARACTERIZATION What a character thinks about, ideas that they think are important How the character views situations and what they view to be important What a character says and how they say it to others How others speak about the character The emotion a character feels and how they feel towards others, how others feel towards them How a character acts and how others act towards them The decisions that a character makes and how those decisions affect their outcome in the story as well as the others around them
D IRECT AND I NDIRECT C HARACTERIZATION Direct Characterization- What the author directly states in a text about a character Indirect Characterization- When the reader must infer things about a character based upon how they act
C HARACTER M AN Thoughts and Plans, Wishes and Desires of the Character What the character says, how they say it, what it reveals about them What the character does….actions that they make. What others think about this character What others say about this character How others treat this character How the character feels…. About others, about what is going on in the story How others feel about the character How do the decisions and actions that this character makes affect their outcome in the story? How do the decisions and actions that this character makes affect others outcomes in the story?
D EVELOPING I DEAS A BOUT C HARACTERS As we learn to look at the character as a whole, we are able to develop ideas about what kind of person the character is. We are then able to use the character man to develop traits and support our ideas using text evidence.
C HARACTER T RAIT T HINK B OX I would describe this character as ___________. I would describe this character as _________because___________ - As always add an “ I think… because….” statement to address your opinions and ideas about the statement you have made.
“T HE T ALKING E GGS ” As we read record the things you learn about the characters of Blanche and Rose in a T Chart. (draw this in your reader’s notebook) BlancheRose
C HARACTER M AN “B LANCHE ” As a class we will create a character man for “Blanche”. Copy this into your notebook to use as an example Write a character trait think box to go with Blanche.
R OSE C HARACTER M AN With a partner…… - Create a character man of Rose - Label and fill in the character man with at least 3 examples per area - Create a character trait think box to go along with Rose’s Character Man - Make Rose appear the way that you envisioned her in your mind. Color her.