Different personality factors Extroverts Introverts Neuroticism Creativity Schizotypy
Extroverts and introverts Extroverts are people with an outgoing personality who are generally more talkative and relaxed. Introverts are shy people who can be impatient and withdrawn.
Neuroticism People with neurosis are people who experience negative moods and emotion. It is often associated with high levels of stress.
Schizotypy People with schizotypy have milder forms of schizophrenia. The symptoms include; hallucinations and/or bizarre interpretation of events such as magical thinking.
ESP and personality traits Correlation between personality traits and ESP tests Tested a group of early adolescent high- school students in India. Positive ESP scores= More talkative, emotional and relaxed. Negative ESP scores= Shy, withdrawn, suspicious and frustrated. Ramakrishna, 2001
ESP and extroversion Meta-analysis Investigated link between ESP and extroversion Found that in over ¾ of the studies, extroverts scored higher on ESP tasks than introverts. Had low ecological validity May be other variables affecting it-not just extroversion/introversion. Honorton, 1998
Neuroticism and paranormal belief Some studies support the view that paranormal belief is associated with higher neuroticism scores E.g. Wiseman and Watt (2004) questionnaires-general population- Found that those who scored highly on neuroticism were more likely to endorse positive and negative superstitious belief. Quesnell (2000)- found a positive correlation between neuroticism scores and paranormal belief-studies 3,432 young people in the Czech Republic However, other studies support the view that there is no significant correlation between neuroticism and paranormal belief e.g. Lester (1993)- 51 Undergraduate students-belief in life after death, hell, UFO, heaven, ghosts and life on other planets correlated with psychoticism but that paranormal beliefs were ‘independent of neuroticism’. Willging and Lester (1997)-94 adolescents-belief in life after death was negatively correlated with psychoticism but that none of the four aspects of paranormal belief included in the studies were associated with neuroticism.
Other studies There are correlations with positive psychological states (e.g. creativity) and paranormal belief and experience (Irwin and Watt, 2007). Many studies have shown a correlation between schizotypy and paranormal belief/experience.