Chapter 21: Simone Umba Chapter 22: De’Ja Creagh Chapter 23: Emily Day
In this chapter the author identifies how the character traits and descriptions (personification) symbolize some part of a bigger picture. The author tells us how writers often add deformities or personality quirks to make known the deeper meaning behind them. Examples: Igor, Shrek, Harry Potter, Beauty and the Beast.
An author wouldn’t write a blind character into a book, movie or play without having a specific reason for doing so. Creating blind characters shows they could have some insight on a particular situation, and sometimes even “see” what the future outcome will be before anyone else. An example is: Toph from “The Last Air Bender”. She’s blind, but she has better insight on things and can tell what’s about to happen before anyone else in her group can. She’s able to use her other senses to help her tell what’s about to come and she can react quickly
The heart is more than just the pump that keeps us alive, but its also the symbolic respiratory of emotion. In other words, its the source of all emotions. Heart disease can symbolize a character’s lack of heart, or it can be used to show the audience some part of the character’s personality. An example would be like Dan Scott, in One Tree Hill. He has a heart disease which is ironic because of his lack of compassion and basic human emotion.