Inland SoCal iHub In March 2010, the State of California launched its Innovation Hub (iHub) program to harness California’s creative and entrepreneurial spirit. iHubs leverage assets such as industrial and research parks, technology incubators, universities and federal laboratories to provide a platform for startup companies, economic development organizations, business groups and financial institutions. The Inland SoCal Link iHub promotes economic development through encouraging advanced manufacturing and distribution based opportunities, leveraging the transportation corridors that link the Inland Empire to the Port of Los Angeles. The Port of Los Angeles is partnering with the County of Riverside and the County of San Bernardino to cooperatively promote economic development and attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for job creation and retention.
Goals Promote collaboration and industry development in the advanced manufacturing and logistics sectors. Encourage the development of incubators for local and international business in targeted sectors. Expand the volume and value of exports through the Port of Los Angeles that are manufactured or produced from Inland Southern California. Encourage FDI as a mechanism for regional job creation. Form a platform to support federal, state, and local legislative matters that are mutually aligned between Inland Southern California and the Port of Los Angeles.
Collaboratively brand the region as a globally competitive destination for trade, investment, and economic development through the use of marketing collateral, marketing events, workshops, and tradeshows. The iHub serves as a center of information, expertise and assistance to key industries for business attraction, development, and retention.
2015 Accomplishments Created joint promotional collateral materials in both online and print format. Participated in the University of California, Riverside’s Innovation Day which highlighted start-up and emerging technology entrepreneurs from the campus. Attended the SelectUSA Investment Forum, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce, in Washington D.C., to showcase the Inland SoCal Link iHub to an international audience of investors. Supported the establishment of the Riverside County/University of California, Riverside ExCITE incubator which has yielded 6 new start-up companies and created 25 jobs. Recognized as a finalist in the Inland Empire Economic Partnership Red Tape to Red Carpet Award.
2015 Accomplishments cont. Promotion of the iHub program through the County partners’ newsletter distribution. Supported the TriTech Small Business Development Center, including the annual “Funding the Big Idea” event and competition. Provided in person and/or electronic introductions to local municipalities for start-up and emerging technology companies to receive business assistance in the form of streamlining permitting process, access to iHub partner networks and business assistance as appropriate. Provided support to partners working with the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Southern California through the University of Southern California (USC) Visited the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator to begin and continue discussions on potential partnership opportunities.
Networks and Trade Organizations California Manufacturing Technology Consulting Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development Hong Kong Trade Development Council Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) Ministry of Commerce of the Government of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM) U.S. Dept. of Commerce, SelectUSA
iHub Partners California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) Louis Stewart County of Riverside Robert Moran County of San Bernardino Marissa Rivera Port of Los Angeles Jim MacLellan