Aquatic In-Service Trainings – Where’s the Fun? Presented By: Beth Gegogeine - Cosumnes CSD Megan Henry - City of Roseville
Introduction Goals/Outcomes To introduce friendly competitions that can have a positive effect on staff morale and skill development. To introduce friendly competitions that can have a positive effect on staff morale and skill development. To demonstrate and promote discussion on training methods and activities. To demonstrate and promote discussion on training methods and activities. To analyze current training methods, evaluate what is missing, and learn to prepare your own customized training scenarios. To analyze current training methods, evaluate what is missing, and learn to prepare your own customized training scenarios.
Types of Trainings Lifeguarding Skills First Aid/ CPR/ AED/ O2 Swim Lesson Instruction Customer Service Quality Assurance
Demographics of Trainees 15 years + Wide range of education Part-time staff Wide range of experience (1-32 years)
Scheduling Trainings Scheduling around recreational programming. Early morning, late night, weekends. Early morning, late night, weekends. Child Labor Laws Child Labor Laws Other jobs Other jobs Family commitments Family commitments
Training Schedules How often should I conduct staff trainings? Determining factors: Training budgets Training budgets Typical schedules-What is your training schedule? Typical schedules-What is your training schedule?
Rookie School
Management/Leadership Academy
House of Horrors
Training to a Diverse Audience Generation Y Basic Principles 1. Make it fun. 2. Engage them 3. Make it fresh 4. Keep it quick 5. Reward Skill Development Development
Balloon Game Write down one challenge that you have with staff trainings. Fold it up small, and put it inside your balloon.
Increase Staff Morale/ Skill Development with Competitions Ideas: Staff of the Week Teams Competition during training Staff vs. Manager Lifeguardpalooza Others?
Increase Staff Morale/ Skill Development with Competitions
Increase Staff Morale/ Skill Development with Competitions cont’d Awards: Knowing they’re the best? Swim less Certificates/Awards Bag of goodies Others?
Training Successes Groups: What makes a successful training? What are some ideas for successful trainings?