Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Integration of Ethnic Minorities into the Labour Market - Examples from Denmark
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Workshop Programme Describing the context: Conditions for applying Danish examples to the Czech Republic The Danish introduction programme for newly arrived foreigners Examples of specific integration programmes: –The KVINFO Mentorship Programme –Job fairs –Hot jobs The National Expert Centre for the Employment of Ethnic Minorities
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats A Multiple Choice Test!
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Multiple Choice Test 1)How large a percentage of the (Danish/Czech) population consists of ethnic minorities? 2)The most important origin country of immigrants in DK/CZ is? 3)What is the unemployment rate in DK/CZ (in percentage of the workforce)? 4)How large a percentage of the population is employed in DK/CZ? 5)How large a percentage of the immigrants (from non-western countries) are employed in…
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Ethnic Minorities in Denmark Ethnic minorities:6 % of the population (immigrants and descendants from non- western countries) Countries of origin: Turkey (17 %), former Yugoslavia (14 %), Iraq (8 %), Lebanon (7 %) etc...
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats The Labour Market Situation in Denmark Unemployment rate:3.7 % Ethnic minorities:11 % Participation rate: Danes: 78 %, Immigrants: 56 %, Desc.: 65 % Employment rate: Danes: 76 %, Immigrants: 49 %, Desc.: 61 %
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats The Triangle of Flexicurity Flexibility: The Labour Market Active Labour Market Policy Security: Social Security Safety net Easy to hire/fire Job openings Upgrading skills Strict rules on availability Right and duty to accept job-offers High degree of compensation Long duration of benefits
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Major Challenges Labour shortage – but still unemployed ( not immediately fit for the labour market) Labour shortage – ethnic minorities are still not as participating and employed as Danes Qualification demands are rising – about 40 % of young immigrants only have primary education (especially young men!) Barriers for using foreign qualifications Discrimination?
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Positive News Descendants are doing better! Ethnic minorities benefit even more from the labour boom than Danes We know a great deal about what works!
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats The Introduction Programme Key actors Danish Act on Integration Language courses Labour market integration measures
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Key Actors Ministry for Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs - responsible for all immigration and integration policies 98 municipalities - responsible for the introduction programme for newly-arrived immigrants 91 local job centres - contact point for job seekers and employers
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Danish Act on Integration All newly arriving refugees and immigrants from outside the European Economic Area The Act requires municipalities to provide accommodation for refugees and to offer all newly arrived refugees and immigrants a three-year introduction programme at least two months after granting residence permit
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Danish Act on Integration Recognised refugees are distributed across the country in the municipalities. Must remain in their assigned municipalities for three years = the duration of the integration programme. Social benefit - ‘start help’
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats The Introduction Programme Integration contract with the goals for the integration programme Declaration stating that to the best of their ability they will involve themselves actively in integration into the Danish society Language courses Labour market integration measures
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats The Introduction Programme Participation in the integration programme is mandatory Minimum of 37 hours per week (incl. preparation) Immigrants will loose or get a reduction in their social benefit if they do not participate in the integration measures offered or refuse to accept an appropriate job offered.
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Language Courses All immigrants above 18 years are entitled to participate in a three-year language course (not only from outside EEA) Free of charge Three tracks: 1: Illiterate, 2: Limited education, 3: At least secondary education Can be given on the job or in the evening
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Labour Market Integration Measures First step: Intensive language training and introduction to the labour market. Social benefit. Second Step: Company-based training (+ language training/skills upgrading). Social benefit. Third Step: Employment with wage subsidies to employer (+ language training/skills upgrading). Workplace mentorship
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Step Model
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Mentoring Programmes To combat immigrants’ lack of networks Voluntary work - strong involvement of the civic community An example: KVINFO’s mentorship programme
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats KVINFO’s Mentorship Programme A nation-wide mentorship project Match immigrant women with women who are firmly established members of the Danish workforce - education, profession and personal wishes. Primary objective: Get the immigrant into employment A mentor should: Listen, ask questions, coach, discuss and be prepared to provide access to her own networks.
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats KVINFO’s Mentorship Programme Financed by the Ministry for Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs Further Information:
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Job Fairs -Face-to-face meeting between job seeker and companies -General or specialized... -Other kinds of face-to-face meetings...
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Job Fair – an Overview
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Job fair – Cleaning Service
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Job Fair – Immigrant Women
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Jobfighter Bus
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Our Involvement in Job Fairs Collecting experiences: Observation, interviewing, evaluation Step-by-step advice Marketing Coordination
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats The Job Fair as a Method of Recruiting Labour The virtues of job fairsThings to improve Face-to-face meeting between job seeker and companies Companies: Be sure to harmonize expectations! There are companies who show interest in hiring me! There are still unemployed eager to find a job! Informal: Questions can be answered right away (can I wear a scarf, working conditions etc.) Not all job-seekers know how to get the most out of a job fair Fast matching: Do I have the right qualifications? Prepare unemployed without Danish work experience Getting a network – and new inspiration
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats Recruitment Method Internet site where employers and potential employees can find each other. All unemployed have to make a CV on jobnet.dk so interested employers can contact them. Immigrants and others with few formal qualifications can look after jobs marked as ‘hotjobs’ - jobs which require no specific qualifications or education. E.g. cleaning jobs, shop assistants, delivery men…
Specialfunktionen for den etniske beskæftigelsesindsats The National Expert Centre for The Employment of Ethnic Minorities Advice and counselling (best practice, legislation, statistics...) Information (network, seminars, home page: Analysis and development of methods (communicate best practice, collaborating with jobcentres...)