Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. 2.0 m (b) (a) Top view 7.5 m Platelet White blood cell Red blood cell Side view SEM 2600x a: ©National Cancer Institute/Science Source
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Blood makes up about 8% of total body weight Percentage by volume Plasma 55% Buffy coat Plasma (percentage by weight) Proteins 7% Water 91% Other solutes 2% Formed elements (number per cubic mm) Platelets 250–400 thousand White blood cells 5–10 thousand Formed elements 45% Red blood cells 4.2–6.2 million Basophils 0.5%–1% Eosinophils 2%–4% Monocytes 3%–8% Lymphocytes 20%–25% Neutrophils 60%–70% White blood cells Regulatory substances Gases Waste products Nutrients Ions Fibrinogen 4% Globulins 38% Albumins 58% (left): ©liquidlibrary/PictureQuest RF
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. 2.0 m (b) (a) Top view 7.5 m Platelet White blood cell Red blood cell Side view SEM 2600x a: ©National Cancer Institute/Science Source
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Stem cell (hemocytoblast) Myeloid stem cellLymphoid stem cell ProerythroblastMegakaryoblastMyeloblastMonoblastLymphoblast Early erythroblast Megakaryocyte Progranulocyte Intermediate erythroblast Basophilic myelocyte Neutrophilic myelocyte Late erythroblast Megakaryocyte breakup Nucleus extruded Reticulocyte Basophilic band cell Eosinophilic band cell Neutrophilic band cell Red blood cell Platelets BasophilEosinophilNeutrophil Monocyte Lymphocyte Eosinophilic myelocyte
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Decreased blood oxygen Increased blood oxygen Increased red blood cell production Red bone marrow Increased erythropoietin (EPO) Red blood cells Kidney
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display Red blood cell production Red blood cells 120 days in general circulation Aged, abnormal, or damaged red blood cells Amino acids Kidney Bilirubin derivatives in blood Intestines Bilirubin Iron Heme Globin Macrophage in spleen or liver Hemoglobin Liver Bilirubin in bile Bilirubin in blood In macrophages, the globin part of hemoglobin is broken down to individual amino acids (red arrow) and metabolized or used to build new proteins. The heme of hemoglobin releases iron. The heme is converted into bilirubin. Blood transports iron to the red bone marrow, where it is used to produce new hemoglobin (green arrows). Blood transports bilirubin (blue arrows) to the liver. Bilirubin is excreted as part of the bile into the small intestine. Some bilirubin derivatives contribute to the color of feces. Other bilirubin derivatives are reabsorbed from the intestine into the blood and excreted from the kidneys in the urine. Spleen Iron
Table 11.2
Fig. 11.6
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) LM 1200x (all): ©Victor Eroschenko
Fig. 4.6 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display Blood vessel Epidermis Dermis Bacteria introduced Splinter Bacteria proliferating Chemical mediators cause capillaries to dilate and the skin to become red. Chemical mediators also increase capillary permeability, and fluid leaves the capillaries, producing swelling (arrows). A splinter in the skin causes damage and introduces bacteria. Chemical mediators of inflammation are released or activated in injured tissues and adjacent blood vessels. Some blood vessels rupture, causing bleeding. White blood cells (e.g., neutrophils) leave the dilated blood vessels and move to the site of bacterial infection, where they begin to phagocytize bacteria and other debris. Neutrophil phagocytizing bacteria Neutrophil migrating through blood vessel wall
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Stem cell (hemocytoblast) Myeloid stem cellLymphoid stem cell ProerythroblastMegakaryoblastMyeloblastMonoblastLymphoblast Early erythroblast Megakaryocyte Progranulocyte Intermediate erythroblast Basophilic myelocyte Neutrophilic myelocyte Late erythroblast Megakaryocyte breakup Nucleus extruded Reticulocyte Basophilic band cell Eosinophilic band cell Neutrophilic band cell Red blood cell Platelets BasophilEosinophilNeutrophil Monocyte Lymphocyte Eosinophilic myelocyte
Table 11.2
Fig. 11.6
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Blood makes up about 8% of total body weight Percentage by volume Plasma 55% Buffy coat Plasma (percentage by weight) Proteins 7% Water 91% Other solutes 2% Formed elements (number per cubic mm) Platelets 250–400 thousand White blood cells 5–10 thousand Formed elements 45% Red blood cells 4.2–6.2 million Basophils 0.5%–1% Eosinophils 2%–4% Monocytes 3%–8% Lymphocytes 20%–25% Neutrophils 60%–70% White blood cells Regulatory substances Gases Waste products Nutrients Ions Fibrinogen 4% Globulins 38% Albumins 58% (left): ©liquidlibrary/PictureQuest RF
Table 11.1
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display Hematocrit scale Plasma Male Hematocrit tube Withdraw blood into hematocrit tube. Centrifuge blood in the hematocrit tube White blood cells and platelets form the buffy coat. Red blood cells Female
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display Platelet plug Smooth muscle cell Blood vessel wall Endothelial cell Fibrinogen receptor Thromboxane ADP Granules von Willebrand factor Collagen Platelet adhesion occurs when von Willebrand factor connects exposed collagen to platelets. During the platelet release reaction, ADP, thromboxanes, and other chemicals are released and activate other platelets. Platelet aggregation occurs when fibrinogen receptors on activated platelets bind to fibrinogen, connecting the platelets to one another. The accumulating mass of platelets forms a platelet plug.
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. ThrombinProthrombin Prothrombinase Stage 2 Stage 3 Fibrin (clot) Fibrinogen Active clotting factors Calcium and platelet chemicals Connective tissue exposed; chemicals released Injury to vessel Inactive clotting factors Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin (the clot). Prothrombinase converts prothrombin to thrombin. Inactive clotting factors in the plasma are activated by exposure to connective tissue or by chemicals released from tissues. Through a series of reactions, the activated clotting factors form prothrombinase Stage 1
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. PlasminPlasminogen Thrombin and tissue plasminogen activator Thrombin and tissue plasminogen activator convert inactive plasminogen into plasmin. Plasmin breaks down the fibrin in a blood clot, resulting in clot fibrinolysis. Fibrin (clot) Fibrin breaks down (clot fibrinolysis)
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Red blood cells with type A surface antigens and plasma with anti-B antibodies Red blood cells with type B surface antigens and plasma with anti-A antibodies Red blood cells with neither type A nor type B surface antigens but both anti-A and anti-B plasma antibodies Red blood cells with both type A and type B surface antigens and neither anti-A nor anti-B plasma antibodies Red blood cells Plasma Antigen AAntigen BAntigens A and B Anti-B antibodyAnti-A antibodyAnti-A and anti-B antibodies Neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies Neither antigen A nor antigen B Type AType BType ABType O
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. (a) No agglutination reaction. Type A blood donated to a type A recipient does not cause an agglutination reaction because the anti-B antibodies in the recipient do not combine with the type A antigens on the red blood cells in the donated blood. (b) Agglutination reaction. Type A blood donated to a type B recipient causes an agglutination reaction because the anti-A antibodies in the recipient combine with the type A antigens on the red blood cells in the donated blood. + + Type A blood of donor Anti-B antibody in type A blood of recipient Anti-A antibody in type B blood of recipient Antigen and antibody match. Agglutination No agglutination Antigen and antibody do not match.
Fig Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display First Pregnancy Placenta Anti-Rh antibodies Maternal blood is separated from fetal blood by the chorion. Fetal Rh-positive red blood cell Fetal blood in capillary Placental tissue Subsequent Pregnancy Fetal blood in capillary Maternal blood The mother is sensitized to the Rh antigen and produces anti-Rh antibodies. Because this usually happens after delivery, the fetus is not affected in the first pregnancy. During a subsequent pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus, if Rh-positive red blood cells cross the placenta and enter the maternal circulation, they can stimulate the mother to produce antibodies against the Rh antigen. Antibody production is rapid because the mother has been sensitized to the Rh antigen. The anti-Rh antibodies from the mother cross the placenta, causing agglutination and hemolysis of fetal red blood cells, and hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) develops. Before or during delivery, Rh- positive red blood cells from the fetus enter the blood of an Rh- negative woman through a tear in the placenta. Fetal Rh-positive red blood cell in maternal circulation Maternal blood 3